Bill Clinton Met With Anti-Police Hate Group Leader 2 Months Ago – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Met With Anti-Police Hate Group Leader 2 Months Ago

RSM: During a campaign visit to Kentucky this year former President Bill Clinton met with the leader of a racial hate group that has been implicated in Thursday’s attack that killed five Dallas police officers.

Mauricelm-Lei Millere is leader of the African American Defense League(AADL), which has repeatedly advocated violence against police. Dallas gunman Micah Xavier Johnson supported the AADL on Facebook, where Millere’s group posted messages that declared “ATTACK EVERYTHING IN BLUE EXCEPT THE MAIL MAN” and “sprinkle Pigs Blood” prior to Thursday’s attack. On his Instagram page, Millere wrote: “We have no alternative! We must kill white police officers across the country!”  MORE

13 Comments on Bill Clinton Met With Anti-Police Hate Group Leader 2 Months Ago

  1. I suspect that this meeting was a mistake on behalf of Clinton’s handlers in not doing the proper research on people they are meeting. From the article I sort of get it was a short, public meeting (kind of one or two minute jobs meant to raise the profile of a supporter) that they do lots of each day. The media will promptly bury this and pretend it never happened which would be ok except that if it was Trump it would on the front page of the NYT, LA Times, the Chicago Trib and the lead story for the major networks. It’s hard slogging when the few that control the political and editorial content of the media are so firmly in the ideological cesspool that is the modern Democratic Party which started with LBJ and his so called “War on Poverty” which destroyed the black family and put the black community back on the political plantation. I won’t use the word that the late unlamented President used to describe them.

  2. You’re not using it, LBJ used it.
    “…I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.”
    Classic definition of insanity.
    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” AE

  3. DefecRats have turned the law into a complete joke and the political process into and obvious hoax. They tossed morality, scruples and ethics into the dumpster decades ago when LBJ declared: “I´ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years” with his so-called “Great Society” of entitlements. As a result American Blacks have been chained to the democRat plantation for over half a century and we have inner cities chock full of Black families destroyed by the Liberal policies of soft bigotry.
    (Yer Black and incompetent – here´s an EBT card for you)
    So who knows what that the bicycle seat-sniffing troll from Trailerparkinsas wuz thinking when he shook hands with this asshole, but there is NO denying what Revrum Wright’s God-Damn America-hating, jug-eared, Gay-obsessed, Lying-Denying, Deserter-honoring, Constitution-stomping, phoney-baloney plastic-banana republic, lying Communist Organizing Doorknkob was thinking when he shut down the prosecution of the Black Panthers in one of the most straightforward, slam-dunk cases of voter intimidation ever!!

  4. bill is on his last legs so we wont have to worry about him much longer. But I wonder-where do these blacks come up with their names? they must have their own “black baby names book” I have never met a black man named BOB or Bill. O well, you all have a great day- stay safe. 🙂

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