Black Lives Matter leader lands Yale teaching gig – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter leader lands Yale teaching gig

NYP– One of the newest teachers at the vaunted Yale University burnished his Ivy League resume in the Black Lives Matter movement.


DeRay McKesson will be teaching a one-credit course this fall as a guest lecturer at Yale Divinity School, according to higher education blog Campus Reform. The outspoken activist will be joining U.S. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., and the Rev. Nancy Taylor, whose Old South Church in Boston is located near the site of the 2013 marathon bombing, to teach a special three-section course as part of a new leadership program. The young activist will teach the first section of the course, entitled “Transformational Leadership in the #BlackLivesMatter Movement.”

McKesson is the only guest lecturer who is not an alumnus of Yale Divinity School.  more

10 Comments on Black Lives Matter leader lands Yale teaching gig

  1. There sure are a lot of “divinity” schools these days (including Yale and Harvard) that don’t appear to be teaching anything associated with the Divine. It’s this kind of garbage that has resulted in Christian “Theology” (or at least what is being taught as theology) not being so Christian anymore.

    It’s no wonder that so many of the mainline denominations have become nothing more than social clubs. When you have racist, professional agitators “teaching” a course in a supposed Divinity school, I suspect that Christ doesn’t have much part in it.

  2. They likely need a new Ebonics professor anyway.
    I think Lewis Gates retired after the ‘Beer Summit’.

    He checks all the right progressive boxes:
    Hates whitey
    Down for the struggle
    Phoned by Obama
    White girlfriend
    Seven baby-mommas
    IQ in the upper 90’s
    Pronounces ‘ask’ as ‘ax’
    On EBT & free housing
    Did I mention ‘hates whitey’?

  3. Did he get this job because of his intellect or cause he hates white people?
    When Obama leaves office there are going to be some pissed off blacks.
    No one will have there backs anymore.

  4. Big fucking deal. Cop killer Cathy Boudin landed a professorship at Columbia and NYU. All he got was a i credit shit course at Yale?
    Wait ’till he blows some LEO away and he’ll be guaranteed a- Junk professorship. Ask me if I really give a shit anymore?

  5. de ray from de internet. yale divinity school is a famous one. it’s
    missionaries settled the hawaiian islands .. for a spectacular read
    see James Michener’s “Hawaii”. the movie is also around the net & it’s very, very good too. yale is located in the slum called
    New Haven. a shame because it’s truly a beautiful place.

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