Downtrend: Meet Tommy Sotomayor, an outspoken black conservative — also known by liberals as an “Uncle Tom,” “coon” and “race traitor” — who recognizes that “black people are in love with the criminal element” and that this negative attitude needs to change:
9 Comments on Black Man Asks, “Why Do We Support Criminals So Much?”
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Tommy, good luck with that. 🙁
The writer ends that piece by saying that a good start to ending their problems would be to vote Republican. That seems like a good thesis, but I recently stumbled upon a preacher named John MacArthur (whose videos came up on a random YT search), who tells precisely why and thoroughly answers the mystery of all this upside down, inside out thinking we are witnessing today. I’ve pondered this problem of trying to understand why the left, predominately, completely ignores the truth of anything and pursues humanity’s destruction with breakneck speed — literally going to Hell on rails.
When God reaches His hand out to us — individually — we are still in a state of His grace, but when we refuse Him he turns His wrath against us. MacArthur says, “We would not hear and then we could not hear.” He explains, focusing on Romans and Revelation, those who turn away from God will eventually lose both the ability to know God or to even know right from wrong.
Look at Romans Ch1, v. 18-32. Though we really don’t like to talk about the wrath of God, it’s real. This is one big reason, I think, that we are exhorted to visit those in prison.
Therefore, I disagree with the writer’s advice. I’d say prayer was the best place to start.
Here’s MacArthur’s sermon, “When God Abandons a Nation”. It’s long, but tightly packed.
Because the large majority of black people in America are black first and American somewhere down the line. Their code is to NEVER criticize poor black behavior or agree with whites.
Geoff C. The Saltine and I just had this depressing conversation yesterday (I hate Costco on a Sunday — in fact I hate going to Costco anymore because I feel I’ve gone to a foreign international airport where no one speaks English.). He said, “You know, it’s getting to a point where I don’t trust any blacks.” “Yeah, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you just can’t trust them to do the right thing and stand against all the excuses ‘their community’ give for their criminality.”
But we have to resist this thinking because we are finally getting through to a lot of blacks who realize their community’s course of destruction.
And have to work for a living? No way.
Being a tax payer and a tax parasite is the biggest dividing line in America.
Mac Arthur is a pretty solid guy (and he is in So Cal where his Biblical message is needed vey much)
I’ve been a subscriber to Tommy Sotomoyer’s YouTube channel for about a year now. Sometimes he says things that even make me wince, but he is outspoken, and never says anything he can’t back-up with proof. I like the guy because he says what people need to hear.
Why is he in the bathroom?
In his book, Why government can’t save you : An alternative to political activism MacArthur writes: