Blacks Are Outraged By What This Cop Allegedly Said – IOTW Report

Blacks Are Outraged By What This Cop Allegedly Said

How decrepit is the black community that black people can look at this video and come away outraged at the police officer?

The cop cruises down the street and a brood of black kids, some not old enough to see into the car without going on tip-toes, launch into the policeman, unprovoked, with the most vile of language. One appears to spit into the car.

This is normalcy in the black community, I guess.Screen Shot 2015-06-25 at 3.19.36 AM

Blacks are nonplussed by the children’s behavior, coming away incensed because they believe the cop says, “don’t go to church and get hurt.”

I’ve listened to it a bunch of times and I hear, ” I’m going to church and get hurt.”

The former is a threat.

The latter is a statement that can be interpreted as the officer believing that this South Carolina community might be planning payback.

You listen and decide.

16 Comments on Blacks Are Outraged By What This Cop Allegedly Said

  1. I think the officer is going to “churn the herd” – he’s going to make buttermilk! Yummy!

    But, for some reason, those young kids want him to go “eff” his mother.

    Somewhere along the lines, I believe there’s been a serious breakdown in communication.

    If only we could figure out how the misunderstanding all started…


    Maybe we can get those kid’s Dads together to work it out with the officer?


  2. I heard the cop saying, “I’m gonna tell ya to behave”. I don’t get anything about church, getting hurt, or anything else. No threats offered or perceived, just an adult admonishing a group of foul-mouthed, disrespectful youths to behave themselves.

  3. The fortunate thing for society is that most of them may not live to see their eighteenth birthday. There isn’t anything sad about that, the world will be a net better place without them.

  4. Norman, a negro guy I used to work with, had a saying:

    “There will be no shortage of niggers:
    because the niggers are fucking.”

    Which he repeated very slowly, to accentuate every syllable.

    This was back when caucusoids were killing their children (in utero) at a greater rate than negroes.

  5. First listen: “I’m going to church to get laid. ”

    Second listen with earbuds in – as he’s pulling up they’re trash talking him and he says something about two of them holding hands walking down the street, then:

    “you can go to the church and get married.”

  6. After several more listens, I agree (mostly) with Ted Nougat’s interpretation. I hadn’t heard the part about holding hands, before; which is a definite clue. Now, it sounds to me like, “Y’all’n [can] go to church ‘n’ get married.”

    He’s not a racist! He’s worse! He’s a (gasp) homophobe!!

    Pretty tame stuff, considering what the vermin are yelling at him.

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