Blast from the past: “Congressional bosses from Hell: Sheila Jackson Lee” – IOTW Report

Blast from the past: “Congressional bosses from Hell: Sheila Jackson Lee”

“She is very strange in who she insults and how. For some reason, it seemed like she was racist against African Americans”

Daily Caller [ 03/02/2011 ] : A lot of politicians give nicknames to their aides. George W. Bush famously referred to his attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez, as “Fredo.” Mitch Daniels, then head of the Office of Management and Budget, was known as “The Blade.” Barack Obama reportedly called Larry Summers, his chief economic advisor, “Dr. Kevorkian.”

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas also hands out nicknames to the people who work for her. The Houston Democrat addressed one of her employees as “you stupid motherf^cker.” And not just once, but “constantly,” recalls the staffer, “like, all the time.”

Another Jackson Lee aide recounts the time her parents came to Washington to visit: “They were really excited to come to the congressional office. They’re small town people, so for them it was a huge deal. They were actually sitting in the main lobby waiting area….[Jackson Lee] came out screaming at me over a scheduling change. Called me a ‘stupid idiot. Don’t be a moron, you foolish girl’ and actually did this in front of my parents, of all things.”

Yet another staffer remembers requesting a meeting early on in her tenure to ask how best to serve the congresswoman. Jackson Lee’s response: “What? What did you say to me? Who are you, the Congresswoman? You haven’t been elected. You don’t set up meetings with me! I tell you! You know what? You are the most unprofessional person I have ever met in my life.” With that, Jackson Lee hung up the phone.

According to the same staffer, Jackson Lee “would always say, ‘What am I a prostitute? Am I your prostitute? You can’t prostitute me.’”    It gets worse.

What is going in with those bottom teeth?

33 Comments on Blast from the past: “Congressional bosses from Hell: Sheila Jackson Lee”

  1. I truly believe that the only possible way to be more ignorant about everything than this low class jester, is to be someone who repeatedly votes for her.
    The ire should be directed at them!

  2. “Stupid” “Idiot” “Moron” “Unprofessional”

    She’s projecting again!

    One of these days one of her aides or interns is going to go postal on her and do some projecting right back. Could be a high-speed lead projectile…

  3. I hired an intern that once worked for this idiot prior to working for me. She was impressed by the fact that when this idiot lost her lip gloss, her high paid attorneys and staff were crawling on their knees just to find it.

    I had to explain to her that this was abuse of power. Sad but true. This is intern is now a graduate from Columbia, hopefully she learned this lesson.

  4. Her constituents need a dose of this. When I worked for the government in research and assessment we had a boss who loved to scream obscenities, threaten everyone and throw furniture. The woman above her was no different. After the ‘Barbarian’ left we became much more productive. Like SJL she thought she was a queen and frequently said ‘if the queen isn’t happy then no one is allowed to be happy.’ I could go on. The only difference between SJL and the Barbarian was skin color

  5. Larry I love you, you are so phucken’ stoopid, I feel like a genous, genious, genius? What’s the correct spelling? You keep beatin’ dat pudding you’re gonna g blind
    I’m surprised BFH puts up with your bullshit, but he’s a patient guy
    But you hit and run episodes are stupid. I’m just going to ignore you from now on. Over and out.

  6. CC She must have a British dentist, the same dentist that handles the Brit on TV with the phucked up teeth. I forget his name and I think his show is called “John Last Night.”

  7. So a congressMAN gets a little too friendly with one of his employees and he’s out, but what about the pattern of repeated abuse and the hostile work environment in this things office? Shouldn’t SHE have to resign????

  8. Sheila Jackson Lee is stupid. Stupid people are usually inconsiderate, overly confident, and corrupt. Stupid people justify their corruption. Stupid people think they will never get caught. The more they get away with, the more mistakes they make. Sheila Jackson Lee’s fat ass may well be hiding years worth of felonies. She’d be wise to have someone with a front loader take her fat ass over to the FBI for a little chit-chat with McCabe, whose corruption is catching up with him, for advice on avoiding prison by retiring early.

  9. This woman is the classic A** H***! From the Daily Caller article, there are two things that I have to say. First of all, her behavior is similar to a “Dry Drunk”. This is a person who will either wait for or make some kind of provocation in order to lash out in anger – much like someone who is inebriated will do. Second, if all of the stuff that has occurred, why has she not been censured by the House? If I was a congressman from my state and engaged in any one of the activities that were disclosed by the DC, most likely I would have been censured at the least from the House leadership.

  10. It’s time these people started dropping from acute lead-poisoning.

    These people people of 45 IQ need to be eliminated because they are infecting the health of the nation.

    Thank God for Trump. Lots going on behind the scenes right now.

    Gonna be a hum-dinger of a year in 2018.

  11. The behavior Lee is exhibiting is primal and base. How do you keep from being replaced in a position of power if you’re an ignorant beotch? Intimidate and abuse subordinates. It create an environment of fear and confusion. Oldest evil trick in the book. With Lee, a voodoo priestess who is barely articulate and grunts out commands, this is all she’s capable of as a “manager”.

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