BLM-Antifa Rioters Target Upscale Restaurant in Kentucky, At Least One Protester Is Armed – IOTW Report

BLM-Antifa Rioters Target Upscale Restaurant in Kentucky, At Least One Protester Is Armed

But a restaurant patron is, too.

28 Comments on BLM-Antifa Rioters Target Upscale Restaurant in Kentucky, At Least One Protester Is Armed

  1. If that was sufficient in caliber it sure as hell wasn’t enough rounds to do the job. If it had the five rounds (still not enough) the caliber was too small.

    Never carry one. Always have at least two, preferably with a caliber starting with a 4.


  2. Looks like an NAA .22 5-shot revolver, could be .22 LR or .22 WMR. Little bitty thing, hard to grip, hard to aim.

    However, if that guy has spent any time practicing, at the distance shown he had a good chance of delivering a fatal wound if that was his intention.

    I suppose one of those is better than no gun at all, but I’d much rather have a subcompact 9mm loaded with good self defense ammo (I’m old school and still like my Gold Dots).

  3. I imagine he’s rethinking the tiny pistol choice. Sure it’s easy to keep in your pocket, but themade s almost h the f. His 1911 or Glock would have made him happier, and BLM would BM faster.

  4. Businesses have got to start insisting on police protection if cities are going to allow this shit. With the help of lawyers, refuse to pay taxes UNLESS they are afforded a safe environment.

    Ultimately, cities are afraid of being sued due to police conduct. You MUST make it more expensive for cities to NOT Police criminals.

  5. It is a North American .22 revolver. Many cops carry one on a chain around their neck as a third back-up, just in case. I usually carry mine as a back-up for the primary weapon of the day.

  6. Shoot a 22 LR from 5 feet at a half inch piece of meat with little fat with a liver as a back up.
    Next shoot a cow in the head from 5 feet. Dead cow and lucky if the BLM ahole lives. 1250 feet per second is better than nothing.
    But bigger is better.

  7. What handgun would you recommend for a disabled widow with arthritis? My hands still work semi ok, but my shoulders are shot. I would not be able to lift my arms higher than my waist. Just a no go? I would just like to take one with me if it comes to that.

  8. @Aussie — There are a lot of questions and answers that should follow on to your request for a handgun recommendation.

    First off, I suggest you spend a little time and money at a range that rents a variety of guns for you to try. I would focus first on .38 revolvers of middle size. Too small and recoil might be a bit much for “semi-OK” hands. Too big and the weight will soon discourage you from carrying at all, and that would mean you’d have spent the bucks for a gun and still not have the gun when you need it.

    The other possibility is a semi-auto in .380 or 9 mm but your choices would be limited to the few that have slides that are relatively easy to rack. S&W has a few in those calibers that have “EZ” in the model name, and those have been designed specifically for those people who have trouble with heavy recoil springs, which is what you work against when you pull the slide back to chamber a round of ammo.

    The main thing is to try a few out. Actually shoot them a bit. If you inexperienced with firearms then you’ll be much better off with someone to give you the intro “Handguns 1.01” course. Get a recommendation from somebody you know and whose judgment you trust. Most instructors are OK, but there are enough flaming assholes out there it’s worth the effort to be sure you don’t end up with one who treats you as if you were stupid. Being recognized as ignorant is OK, but not stupid!

  9. @Aussie — Follow-on. If you can’t lift your hands higher than your waist, that raises two points.

    First, you’ll be practicing point shooting rather than making aimed shots. Some people can get quite good at that, but not at any kind of distance. You’ll need to go to a range that can handle that, and you’ll be shooting at targets no more than about 20 feet away, maybe a little more but not much.

    As an alternative to point shooting, you may want to look at a handgun with a laser sight. That’ll add $100 or more to the price, but it may well be worth it: You’ll be able to hit things a lot farther away.

    2. Don’t let someone try to sell you a handgun on the basis of what great (non-laser) sights it has! (-:

  10. @Burr, helpful as all get out — As one character in A.C. Weisbecker’s terrific book Cosmic Banditos says, “There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved by the application of suitable high explosives.”

    True. Very true.

  11. I agree with Uncle Al ʘ MAY 2, 2021 AT 8:08 PM. It’s an NAA .22. If it’s the WMR version, then it’s better than the lesser powered .22s, but come on!

    It’s an emergency gun, not a main defense gun.

    Dude is a moron for using it like he’s going to stand his ground and fend off a crowd.

    If you need to pull that out – you need to leave the scene. It’s your escape gun. Escape!

  12. Thanks guys. Burr, you made me laugh. I like the grenade idea. I would prefer to hang on to it while a couple of them grab me, then pull the pin. I’m not afraid to die, at all. I would like to help my fellow humans out by taking one or two with me.

  13. Well let me say this much to you Coward A$$ Keyboard Warriors. He is the ONLY White person I’ve seen since the Radical ” Kill All Whites” crowd have decended on restaurants FULL of young white cowards and their families to stand up to these Corrupt Thugs. One white Senior gentleman, knowing he only had 2 shots to defend hisself and probably after that using his fists to Stand His Ground until they killed him but by God he was willing to do it to show them , Yeah, Im white and proud of it but you Yellow Backs want to make fun of him and laugh at him because of his choice of a gun. You and your crowd would be too scared to pull out a 9 to defend yourself and family but you TALK a good speech on here. He is now a national HERO you bunch of IOTW ZEROS. Now watch how they talk about my message as they tap away on their protective keyboards

  14. Everyone that commented is exactly right, I don’t disagree with anything said.
    Minimum I carry is a .380, usually a 9, some times a 2″ .38.
    But he DID face them all down and make the do the most important thing a civilian personal defense weapon can do:
    He made them break off the engagement, The eventually turned and left. Not one of them dared to put a hand on their own weapon while he was pointing his.
    So in this ‘gun battle’ mr. Lavender Shirt WON.

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