Boko Haram says kidnapped girls married off after conversion to Islam – IOTW Report

Boko Haram says kidnapped girls married off after conversion to Islam

boko haram prisoners

Pamela Geller—

We should question our humanity and our elected officials when these daily monstrous war crimes in the cause of Islam are met with a yawn and a shrug of the shoulders.

I have been doing this for well over a decade and the savagery is unfathomable, but elites in America and the international community continue their depraved obsession with Israel and ….. the great climate hoax.
This is all according to Islamic law (sharia).

Those whom their “right hands own” (Quran 4:3, 4:24, 33:50) are slaves, and inextricable from the concept of Islamic slavery as a whole is the concept of sex slavery, which is rooted in Islam’s devaluation of the lives of non-Muslims. The Quran stipulates that a man may take four wives as well as hold slave girls as sex slaves. These women are captured in wartime and are considered the spoils of war. Islam avoids the appearance of impropriety, declaring that the taking of these sex slaves does not constitute adultery if the women are already married, for their marriages are ended at the moment of their capture. A manual of Islamic law directs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman”s previous marriage is immediately annulled” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.13).


6 Comments on Boko Haram says kidnapped girls married off after conversion to Islam

  1. So Much Irony. As I read this, the ad feed on the right-hand column features a, Muslim Matrimonials, ad. iOTWr has no control over that, of course. It’s just really sick. And 2 of the 5 lovely faces featured are blonde women. At least; it’s hard to tell with the ones completely covered. Who knows? Maybe some of them are your long lost captured Christian slave relatives? We have more in common with the Nigerian school girls than we think. When you look at them. Don’t just see Africans. See your daughters.

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