Brace yourselves- Winter is coming – IOTW Report

Brace yourselves- Winter is coming

ClimateDepot: Record cold coming to ‘almost entire USA’ – Low temperature records set to be SHATTERED.


While we end November on a warm note here in the eastern US, there are changes unfolding across the Northern Hemisphere that will likely bring a widespread very cold air mass into the US next week. This cold air mass is first going to arrive in Alaska this upcoming weekend with some spots in that state plunging to 40 degrees below zero and way below normal for early December. After that, the cold air dives into the western US during the first half of next week and then it’ll likely blast into the eastern US late next week.  In fact, by the time Saturday, December 10th rolls around, there may be colder-than-normal conditions all the way from Alaska to the southeastern US.  Beyond that, it looks like this colder pattern will indeed have some staying power as we move deeper into the month of December.

See the pretty charts

18 Comments on Brace yourselves- Winter is coming

  1. But, but, but, I thought that the farting cows from California and everything that mankind does was making the earth hotter. Record breaking cold? How can this be? Are all of those self-important climatologists and scientists wrong? Has someone been lying to us? Heads should roll…

  2. Al Gore will probably need to spend some of that money he scammed out of the idiots, for his anti-global warming foundation, on some evil propane to heat his new beach house with.

    I guess he isn’t too concerned with that “sea level rise” bullshit he has been selling, either.

  3. When I was young, we enjoyed a fruit called a loquat, actually we called it a Japanese Plum.
    They bloom in the fall and fruit ripens 3 months later, early spring.
    Love them and when I moved I brought 4 trees with me. That was about 10 years ago, they are big and covered on blossoms and bees right now. My point is, I haven’t had a loquat fruit last to maturity for a long time. If they go below 25F for any length of time they die and fall.
    Fuck you Michael E. Mann, with your hockey stick, it isn’t getting warmer, my plums say so.

  4. Lazlo is an Insurance Adjuster.
    I heartily approve of freezing temperatures, ice dams, burst pipes, wet insulation, drywall damage and hopefully expensive flooring repairs, collapsed aluminum carports, wind damage and the like.
    I don’t want anybody hurt.
    I just want all their stuff ruined.

  5. Recently on a forum for an outdoor sport. I made a post alerting readers to a book they might enjoy reading. Commenting that the titles of the collection of essays were all interesting. However, I wrote I was a bit put off the book by the editor’s introduction wherein he warned about the effects of global warming, which I regard as a load of crap.

    I was surprised to receive a private message from the forum admin, stating he was surprised I didn’t believe that GW/CC is real. Going on to say the forum has many members and one of them, a climatologists, had contacted him about my comment. He didn’t say it but I got the vibe between the lines that this other forum member wanted me banned for calling GW/CC a bunch of hooey, and a hustle by politicians to take our money & control our lives. Maybe both of them will be cooled down enough by this predicted cold winter to begin to see the light that it’s a hoax.

    Why is it that so many people think that everyone who enjoys being in the woods and streams the same way they do must also believe AGW is real & we must do something about it before it’s too late or indeed that man really has the power to control climate in any way?

    The earth has had the MWP, medieval warm period that last a few hundred years. Followed about 150 years later by the MIA, mini ice age that lasted 450 years or so. Mankind’s activities neither started nor ended either of those events.

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