Brazilian police denounce bad working conditions ahead of Olympics – IOTW Report

Brazilian police denounce bad working conditions ahead of Olympics

Police officers and firefighters on Monday criticized their bad working conditions in a protest held at Rio de Janeiro International Airport a month ahead of the Summer Olympics.

Officers greeted passengers and tourists with “Welcome to Hell” banners and called on the government to improve working conditions, warning that if they did not receive their wages, public safety would be a problem for visitors to Rio de Janeiro.

Another poster pointed out that 54 police officers have been killed this year.  more

9 Comments on Brazilian police denounce bad working conditions ahead of Olympics

  1. This Olympics will be the biggest cock-up in the history of the Olympics. And the health problems encountered by the athletes and attendees will be a problem for years to come. The crimes committed against the visitors will just be icing on the cake. It will be interesting to see what will be reported and what will be covered up.

  2. Who fuckin cares?
    And I’m not meaning to poke anyone in the eye, but really?
    Were you going to attend?

    And, yes, I know it matters on the great, over-sized scale of stupid, pointless, exercises in Globaloney-ism – that the Olympics were originally designed to give the Greeks a respite from war, and allow the free passage of participants and gawkers, to celebrate a religious festival accompanied by athletic events, but it has just morphed into another way the Globaloney-ists fuck the citizens of the hosting city out of millions. It’s a massive, international scam.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If you recall, this olympics was lobbied for heavily by Obama early on in his presidency. I guess not everyone was overwhelmed with his charm.

    Of course, having the Olympics in Chicago might not be any safer. No zika virus is the only difference.

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