‘Breakfast Club’ Asks Elizabeth “Dolezal” Warren When She Learned She Is White – IOTW Report

‘Breakfast Club’ Asks Elizabeth “Dolezal” Warren When She Learned She Is White

Breitbart: 2020 White House hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) dodged the question of when she learned she is not Native American during a Friday interview on the popular radio show The Breakfast Club, floundering as co-host Charlamagne tha God took her to task for false claims about her heritage.

The painful exchange began with Charlamagne tha God asking Warren if she regretted taking the DNA test which revealed her genes only show evidence of 1/64 to 1/1024 Native American heritage. “Oh, I can’t go back,” Warren began. “I grew up in Oklahoma, I learned about my family the same way most people learn about there family, from there my momma, from my daddy, aunts and my uncles. And it’s what I believed.”

“I’m not a person of color,” she then conceded. “I’m not a citizen of a tribe and I shouldn’t have done it.”

Charlamagne, interrupting Warren, then asked if she would claim Native American heritage again if she could do it again.

“I can’t go back,” Warren repeated. “But, I shouldn’t. But what I do is try to be a good partner. And that’s what I do every day.”

Warren went on to name drop issues such as health care, student loan debt, and the housing crisis. However, the Breakfast Club hosts were unfazed by Warren’s attempt to pivot away from the controversial subject and continued to press her.

“So what? Your family told you were Native American,” DJ Envy asked.

“Yeah!” Warren exclaimed.

“How long did you hold on to that?” Charlamagne asked. “Because there were some reports that said you were Native American on your Texas Bar license and that you said you were Native American, also documents when you were a professor at Harvard–like, why did you do that?” more here

12 Comments on ‘Breakfast Club’ Asks Elizabeth “Dolezal” Warren When She Learned She Is White

  1. At least Warren didn’t use a shrill mocking cackle to dismiss the interviewers while sitting upon her imaginary throne, like some “people”. Overall, she held on tight to her lie, with pleasantry. We all know she benefited greatly using her “minority” status. Good grief libs are never just plain liars in their own minds.

  2. Won Williams is such an idiot.
    They talked about this on The Five. Won thought the other 4 were taking Lizzy’s side, or something that got his back up, they weren’t, he is just a knee jerk liberal.
    I was dumber for listening to him, something I seldom do, record and FF past the idiot.

  3. The first time I put an egg on a hamburger.

    Thought I was going to start singing Manilow.

    But I long for someone to ask her “what makes you think America wants to elect a less likeable Hillary Clinton?”

  4. Everyone I know that espouses socialism is a fraud. They are free to practice it but never do. It’s ALWAYS about distributing someone else’s money and possessions. Conservatives need to confront dems on this during debates.

  5. It is really not her fault she comes from a long linea long line of congenital liars. She was actually born out of wedlock, her mother and father lied to her and said they were married at time. This means she is a lying bastard!

  6. ‘I try to be a good partner’?

    Still trying to identify as a woman of color, some color, any color, other than her pasty white elitist hue. ‘Please, can’t you hear the pathetic tremble in my voice??’


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