Bringing Up Vince Foster – IOTW Report

Bringing Up Vince Foster

Coach Is Right revisits an April 27, 2015 article written by The National Enquirer on the murder of Vince Foster:

vince foster 1

The Vincent Foster “who done it” is back in the news with a world exclusive report by National ENQUIRER investigative reporter Bob Hartlein. What we do know is that “on the evening of 7/20/93/ unknown time, US Park police discovered the body of Vincent    Foster in his car. The car was parked in the Ft. Marcy area of VA.” (1) The ENQUIRER has courageously uncovered a highly classified and long lost Secret Service report about the Washington, D. C. lawyer who once worked at the Little Rock, Rose Law Firm with then lawyer Hillary Clinton. Most will remember Hillary as the wife of Arkansas Governor William Jefferson Clinton who later became America’s first “black” president.

“The secret ‘memorandum’ directly contradicts the White House version of Foster’s death,” says the Hartlein expose. Official news reports out of the WH, claiming Foster took his own life on July 20, 1993, are now very much in question! Foster’s body was found near a Civil War cannon in a grassy area of the Ft. Marcy Park.  more

15 Comments on Bringing Up Vince Foster

  1. well this news does have a chance to get out into the public realm by being reported in the national enquirer.

    every lo info voter will be able to see the story headlines while using their ebt cards at the grocery store checkout stand.

    but it won’t change their vote, only reinforce their commitment.

    remember the usefulness of useful idiots is that they are idiots.

  2. In the lawless sewers, once known as urban America, cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal could run for President…and WIN easily.

    Watch what happens when his life-sentence is commuted by Obama and he becomes the spokesthug for #BlackLivesMatter.


  3. Enjoy this moment, Trump supporters, cause the Trumpster-diving for his shit has been going on for while and their ‘vetting/investigation’ come to the fore at just the right time.

  4. I suggested this to them…. brilliant analysis…. Hugh Sprunt:

    ….Years ago, I phoned Hugh Sprunt I was so impressed with his work….

    And, later, I had lunch with Ambrose Evans-Pritchard at the Capital Grille in DC. I am grateful he made it out of the US alive, without his car brakes failing, ….or falling off a balcony with a “loose” railing:

    (Today, A E-P is the intl biz editor of the London Telegraph, a brilliant man.) …..Lady in Red

    PS: And this:

    One should find Patrick Knowlton, what happened to him..

    PPS: The most fun read is the first, though….. Hugh Sprunt, The Citizen’s Independent Report. He is a Sherlock Holmes fan, considers himself a Baker Street Irregular ….and destroyed the MSM. …but they did not pay attention, notice. ……..

  5. I can’t imagine there’s a Trump “scandal” we don’t know about, or any worth rehashing. And to the extent that GOPe is involved, the bombshells will be duds. But that rehash of the Vince Foster thing might be interesting.

  6. Just think of the memories Hillary will have when she acquires the WH. She’ll again pass by the library where she read and kept the FBI files, the bedroom where she slept alone, the places where Bill got blown, the secret hallway off the Oval Office where cigars were kept, and if she looks carefully she may see the scuff marks she made when she dragged VInce’s body down the hall. I think she could have drug 200 pounds but lifting them into a trunk? She needed help. Maybe Butch Reno knows something about this.

  7. Enjoy, Plain Jane. This is not a 9/11 odyssey down the rabbit hole. ….pretty simple stuff…. with some fun from the idiot Keystone cop Park Police…..

    Hugh Sprunt — brilliantly — put together the Citizen’s Independent Report from nothing but public testimony and public records in Sherlock Holmes’ chrono fashion — and sent it to every member of the last Congressional matter on Foster’s death. They ignored his report and pronounced the death a suicide.

    I don’t know why or who. ….but I ain’t an idiot.

    ….Lady in Red

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