Bust of Hillary’s Bust – IOTW Report

Bust of Hillary’s Bust


Called “Presidential Bust of Hillary Clinton” the artist Daniel Edwards created this piece ten years ago and it was displayed in the New York Sex Museum.  I have no idea if it’s still on display, but there is a strange video of the artist talking about his creation.


The Video

(note, the oversized “bust” is uncovered in the unfinished work in the video)



17 Comments on Bust of Hillary’s Bust

  1. Hillary’s presidential ambitions were a bust, but here’s her bust that prominently displays a fake pair of boobs (bust) on the old dried up husk of a human being.

    The likeness is as fake as her promises, or sense of honor or duty to country.

  2. Ten years ago huh?
    Wonder if the artist would be so amenable as to sculpt an updated version of the ‘ol sot, replete with her atop the flag-draped coffins from Benghazi, clutching her private server to her perky bosom, a copy of Bleach Bit™, and all the pay-to-play contracts stacked a mile high beside her?

  3. Hillary says, “I was standing, ok sitting in my shower when a shooting pain radiated up both sides..I hollered for stepnfetchit, and when he opened the shower door, he told me i was sittin on my saggy beewbies.”
    “you know the ones i told billie jeff i would cut him if he touched them 40 yrs ago. Nowadays he can’t find them!”

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