Buyden faces opposition to killing Keystone XL from labor and Democrats – IOTW Report

Buyden faces opposition to killing Keystone XL from labor and Democrats


It’s practically the last thing people care about, but in putting the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline on the top of his list of President Trump’s achievements to kill, President-elect Joe Biden is jeopardizing support from his party and union workers.

According to a new survey shared with Secrets, 62% of Democrats and 71% of labor want the oil pipeline from Canada to Texas to be completed.

But Biden has put it on his first week hit list as part of a combination of attacks on Trump’s policies, a revival of Obama-era programs, and his own agenda. more

29 Comments on Buyden faces opposition to killing Keystone XL from labor and Democrats

  1. Everything I start to write turns into profanity, aimed at the fake incoming president and vice president.
    I could barley get that sentence out, so I’m going to stop here.

  2. “So far, Biden has refused to halt a divisive impeachment, questioned the loyalty of the troops, sparked an immigration crisis, and surrender to China via energy policy. He hasn’t even started yet.”

  3. I’ve noticed that gas prices are already going up. Why do we have skyrocketing gas prices under democraps? I bet within a year or so we’ll be back to almost $5 a gallon.

  4. I’m old enough to remember $3.35 min wage and $1 gas. Now we have $15 min wage coming in, so you should expect $4.50 gas.

    Cost of living pay increases always amount to nothing for the worker, and always screw the savers.

  5. ecp, not everything increases in price over time. There are two reasons for cheaper gas prices. The first is Technology. Technology has lowered the cost of searching for oil and squeezed more gasoline from each barrel of crude, Gas is currently the cheapest liquid to process (at least outside California)

    The second is the almost doubling of production in the US, and higher production out of Canada and Russia. OPEC no longer has the power to raise prices by cutting production. Somethings are way below the average inflation like milk clothing and airfare, some things are way above like college tuition and random fees and sales taxes. We should take innovation like the keystone pipeline over government intervention every time.

  6. Christy944, one thing for certain gasoline taxes have increased everywhere which has the greatest impact overall on base pricing, in addition to transport costs (Keystone XL killing will raise transport price since now it all goes via Warren Buffet’s rail that is worse for the environment even though Joe says it’s better. Never listen to this goof). One thing I’ve learned about oil pricing is that it isn’t tied to demand as much as supply (or the technology that boosts supply). Rig counts in the US go up and down and opec+ cuts and boots supply to fix prices. A good example right now is oil use is way way down thanks to the coof, yet WTI is over $50 when it could easily be $30 based on demand. It’s also fixed to inflation, where inflation is starting to head north so follow oil prices (and minimum wage, or vice versa min wage increase causes inflation). The recent negative prices in the oil market resulted in me paying $2 at the pump, so I don’t think I’ll ever see less than that in my geographic market.

    Gold though? Same price as in 2011. After trillions upon trillions of bad dollars flood the system. Go figure.

  7. Every thing Biden has planned makes America dependent on his buddies – China, Iran.
    Opening the border, kills jobs and manufacturing.
    Poor people are easier to control, the promise of free shit sucked in voters.
    The “Taxes only increase on those over $400k, also a lie. The little guy will be taxed into oblivion. Maybe they’ll figure out how to kill small business. (Ooops already done)
    Look up “Biden Foundation”, he already has Millions stashed. Just like Obama, Clinton,…………..

  8. Here we go with the DNC money laundering machine known as “Green Energy” again. Tax dollars go to companies who buy Chinese solar panels, the CEO’s get their cut, and donate a portion back to the Commiecrats.

  9. If you care to run down the rabbit hole. Green energy isn’t green. The amount of pollution is off the chart. But poor people get sick and die, so it’s OK.
    The whole front of my house is passive solar. Most of the articles I found were from the 1930’s. A nice sunny day my furnace never turns on. Not promoted because they can’t bill you.

  10. If Labor likes that they’ll love the Green New Deal and just wait until they find out that they voted to destroy the Labor Union’s gold-plated Cadillac health care so that everyone can be on medicare for all.

    Gonna be a whole lotta love.

  11. With all of the years of flaming hoo jumping to get approval, to have it reversed by fiat should indicate that the US is unsafe for commerce and lenders shpuld require borrowers doing business in the US to buy political risk insurance.

    Like every other failed banana republic.

  12. Kill the pipeline. Turdeau cancelled 3 himself, Bought 1 other to avoid a foreign lawsuit and relied on this one to fund the buying of Quebec votes.

    We fuckers up here need to suffer for Turdeau and being Anti Trump.

    Cut it! We are full of Fake Conservatives up here anyway.

  13. There is a tiny sliver of light in the black cloud descending on us: Biden has to deal with continuing domestic unrest and rioting, covid19 and it’s variants, and especially, China.

    He will have two alternatives with China: agree with them, offer his ass, and give them what they want, like control of SE Asia for starters, or try to fight them with a domestic culture that has no stomach for war and patriotism. The bastard is screwed.

    I predict that the CCP will attack and incorporate Taiwan before the next presidential election. Taiwan will put up a heroic fight, but unfortunately the numbers are not on their side.

  14. TimBuktu- the anitfa/blm stuff won’t stop. I actually think that is why the fencing went up. Well, that, and he won’t need to talk to reporters. lol. But there is blm at ‘blm plaza’ or whatever it’s called right now. They’ve been there for almost a week. I don’t know how tight the cork is on their bottle though. lol


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