CA: Xavier Becerra Keeps Losing Big Political Cases As Attorney General – IOTW Report

CA: Xavier Becerra Keeps Losing Big Political Cases As Attorney General

CPR: Xavier Becerra has already lost some big cases in his new role as California’s Attorney General, as he turns the resources of the state’s top justice office into a political machine for the Democratic Party.

Early this week, a Sacramento County Superior Court Judge determined that California’s attorney general wrote a misleading description of a ballot initiative to repeal the recently approved gas tax increase.  Judge Timothy Frawley ruled that Becerra’s official ballot description would likely confuse voters because it focuses on the loss of transportation funding rather than the repeal of taxes.

“The problem with the Attorney General’s title and summary is that an ordinary, reasonable elector, who is otherwise unfamiliar with the initiative, would not be able to discern what the initiative would do,” Frawley wrote.  Frawley will require lawyers from the Attorney General’s office to appear again on September 22 on the ballot title and summary, which appears on petition forms and the ballot, with revised language that is not misleading.  Republican Assemblyman Travis Allen, a candidate for governor, is backing the repeal initiative and brought the lawsuit against Becerra’s ballot title.  The description must be finalized before Allen and his allies can begin collecting signatures in an attempt to put the repeal bill on the November 2018 ballot.  “This brings us one step closer to repealing Jerry Brown’s hugely unpopular gas tax,” Allen said in a statement to reporters.

Becerra’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.  more

12 Comments on CA: Xavier Becerra Keeps Losing Big Political Cases As Attorney General

  1. This guy has never filed a legal brief before, never held a job in the capacity of a lawyer and never litigated shit. I hope he just keeps losing. And if Browns gas tax goes through I’ll be paying 30 cents a gallon more for diesel the day it’s implemented.

  2. The case for smaller government grows at the rate government grows.

    We only need:
    Settle disputes
    K-12 schools

    And the case can be made that we can often protect ourselves, and we don’t need gov’t to teach our kids.

  3. California was just thrilled to take illegal aliens as attorneys. I don’t think even a naturalized citizen should be allowed to have any say in American law, nor do I think they should hold any political office. People who grew up and went to school in socialist, communist, or marxists backgrounds do not change.
    We have one in our family who loves American Capitalism when it puts money in his pocket but supports socialism in every other way.

  4. That’s a prime example of a corruptocrat there, folks.
    California’s laws are not good, or at least the manner in which they are passed. Why is the AG writing the title and description of a proposed law that another wrote, and then asking for the original author’s acceptance? Thank goodness it didn’t get railroaded, as intended. The author of the proposed law should write both title and description, then get GA’s approval, or good reason for rejection.
    Before becoming CA AG, Becerra was Head Chair of the House Democratic Caucus in DC. That was while the awan brothers and wife were running computers for many democrats in the House, including the Democratic Caucus itself. On an unauthorized, offsite server. Under the oversight of wasserman-schultz.
    “The secret server was connected to the House Democratic Caucus, an organization chaired by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra. Police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation and requested a copy of it. Authorities considered the false image they received to be interference in a criminal investigation, the senior official said.”
    Why aren’t government criminals prosecuted?
    It is no wonder why there is all the diversionary topics in the news these days, as people forget about these types of things.

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