California- AG in the hot-seat for shadiness over Exxon – IOTW Report

California- AG in the hot-seat for shadiness over Exxon

Watt’s up with that?:

Uh oh, California Attorney General on the hot-seat over #ExxonKnew fiasco.

Via Press release:

E&E Legal Forced to Sue California Attorney General for Failure to Release Public Records Already Shared with Green Activists Involving Their Inappropriate Lobbying Practices

Sacramento, CA – The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) has filed suit under California’s Public Records Act (PRA) against the state’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra for withholding all but one email showing or mentioning its work with partisan and environmentalist activists to use law enforcement in going after opponents of the “climate” political agenda”.  Under Kamala Harris,  California’s OAG had participated in the since-collapsed “Climate-RICO” cabal organized by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, but kept its involvement off-screen.  The new AG, Becerra, has since suggested that he has indeed been working with activists, correspondence to, from or discussing which E&E Legal sought in its PRA request.


Specifically, in July, E&E Legal requested records “concerning the Office of Attorney General’s work with private outside parties to pursue, as targets of investigation, perceived opponents of a political and policy agenda shared by the Attorney General and these outside parties.”  The complaint specifies the public records sought, in the form of correspondence that was sent to, or received from, the Attorney General, or members of his Executive Office, and certain named parties or entities of interest because of their involvement in the AG Climate RICO scandal beginning roughly six-months prior to the request:

“[C]opies of any email correspondence dated between February 1, 2017 and the date you process this request, a) which correspondence was sent from or to (including also as cc: or bcc:) Attorney General Becerra at any address, or members of the Executive Unit of the Attorney General’s Office (including also as cc: or bcc:) and b) which correspondence is also to or from (including also as cc: or bcc:), or which uses or mentions, any of the following individuals, entities, or email domains:

  1. Richard Graves
  2. Matthew Palevsky
  3. Tom Matzzie
  4. Ethical Electric
  5. Brian Arbogast
  6. Lee Wasserman
  7. RL Miller
  8. Stephen Heintz
  9. Erin Suhr (an employee of Fahr LLC)
  10. Pawa (including but not limited to mentioning in, e.g.,
  11. Frumhoff (including but not limited to mentioning in, e.g.,
  12.  Any email address that includes

The OAG initially delayed its response, and then produced only a single document with little relevance to what E&E Legal sought.

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11 Comments on California- AG in the hot-seat for shadiness over Exxon

  1. Someone needs to set Sessions up. He has wore out his welcome. I would like to believe that there is a super secret investigation going on in the DOJ, but that does not seem likely to me. With all the leakers and liberal appointees in place they couldn’t keep that big a story secret this long. Plus, I don’t think Sessions is bright enough to have pulled that off for this long. He is no Columbo.

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