California trans child molester, 26, gets 2 years in juvenile facility thanks to progressive DA Gascon – IOTW Report

California trans child molester, 26, gets 2 years in juvenile facility thanks to progressive DA Gascon

A Los Angeles County judge on Thursday ordered Hannah Tubbs, a transgender California woman, to serve two years in a juvenile facility after she pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in 2014. 

Before doing so, the judge criticized far-left District Attorney George Gascon, whose office declined to prosecute the repeat offender as an adult.

Tubbs, 26, recently pleaded guilty to molesting the girl in a women’s bathroom eight years ago when Tubbs was two weeks away from turning 18. At the time of the crime, she identified as male and went by James Tubbs. She did not identify as female until after she was taken into custody, according to prosecutors. read more

10 Comments on California trans child molester, 26, gets 2 years in juvenile facility thanks to progressive DA Gascon

  1. He sexually assaulted little girls and they are going to lock him up with minor female children? WTF kinda Clown World bullshit is this? Those poor girls will be brutalized by that pervert.

  2. Would all of this INSANITY please come crashing
    down like a C-5A coming straight down from 30,000′
    full throttle into the ground,so we can build back
    some SANITY in our country.

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