California’s Delta Tunnels: An Unnecessary $15 billion, 15-Year Jobs Program – IOTW Report

California’s Delta Tunnels: An Unnecessary $15 billion, 15-Year Jobs Program

CFP: Last weekend as my husband and I were enjoying vin rouge and fromage at one of our favorite Delta wineries in Clarksburg, CA, we discussed Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed Delta Tunnels project, and how it would destroy the historical, rich agricultural region. Some of our favorite wineries, and all of the Delta agriculture could end up under water and/or the land rendered useless if Gov. Jerry Brown’s unnecessary Delta Tunnels project is actually built.

The tunnels project proponents claim it is needed to deliver significantly more, better quality water to Southern California cities and Central Valley farms, and deliver water more reliably—at an original cost estimate of more than $26 billion. When it became evident that the excessive cost was a bad deal for ratepayers as well as the Delta, Gov. Jerry Brown and his appointed water cronies scaled back the project to a single tunnel and a $15 billion price tag in an effort to keep his legacy project alive. However, a single-tunnel would deliver only two-thirds of the water the twin-tunnel project promised.

The historic California Delta is formed by the confluence of the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River, two of the state’s largest rivers. Delta agriculture includes livestock, specialty crops such as asparagus, pears, and wine grapes, and various table vegetables and feed crops.

Over 80% of the Delta’s 553,687 acres is in agriculture, of which 75% is classified as Prime Farmland. By comparison, only 18 percent of the state’s agricultural land is classified as Prime Farmland. Additionally, there are 60 islands surrounded by levees, most used for farming.

Jerry Brown has tried repeatedly over the decades to create a delta “conveyance.” Yet voters rejected Gov. Brown’s 1982 plan to build the “peripheral canal” through the Delta during his first turn as governor. That was to be an above ground waterway that would convey water from north to southern California. Voters killed the plan in 1982, dealing Brown and his family’s legacy a major blow. But that didn’t stop the backers.  more here

6 Comments on California’s Delta Tunnels: An Unnecessary $15 billion, 15-Year Jobs Program

  1. The California Delta is one of the best fisheries in the United States. One of my favorite places on earth. This is ALL about big money wanting all of Northern California’s water secured for SoCal. Stop and think about their man made drought over protecting the Delta Smelt. They have no problem killing all the fish in the Delta now. If they want more water why don’t they stop kissing the ass of all 12 members of friends of the rivers and build some damn reservoirs.

  2. The GOP said the same thing about JFK’s draft in ’61. There is a very good reason for both the Draft (which was in fact a jobs program- as Bobby Mac admitted 50 years later!)and this.
    Economic collapse. The Atlantic had an article which I think is right (I have not run the #’s so not sure.) America had more riots from ’61 to ’69 than all the rest of our history put together. When Ike left office it was reasonable for a lower middle class (Working Poor today) to think of buying a full sized , seats 6 adults car. Not in ’62. By ’69 even the middle, middle class gave up on buying a full sized car. And the “Big 3” effectively stopped making full sized cars in ’70.

    Brown lived 58 years ago, he does not want Cal to see riots!

    I think there would be a much better way to solve Gavin.Jerry’s problem – STOP PAYING CRIMINALS WITH TAXPAYER $!

  3. Maybe Brown can route his high cost choo choo through the Delta on raised bridges. That way, Californians can see the hole their money was shoveled into while admiring the destruction leftists like Brown have wreaked on California in an effort to appease and enrich their partisan supporters.

  4. They need a bloody revolution in that state to clean out all the commie shitweasels like that faggot brown! I’d give my left nut to be able to piss on his grave and I’m no longer a resident of that state, but I did spend the first 60 years of my life there.


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