Can you spot the republicans in this picture of ladies running for congress? – IOTW Report

Can you spot the republicans in this picture of ladies running for congress?

Wapo has an article about all the women running for congress this year. They had a mosaic of the candidates. I decided to see if I could spot the republicans, because, you know, the right is better looking than the left.

I did “okay.” I got 7.

There are 19 republicans in this mosaic of 80 candidates. See how many you get right.

(The upper left hand corner to the upper right hand corner is 1-20. The next line is 21 through 40. etc. Name the republicans by their corresponding numbers. I’ll post the answers later.)

25 Comments on Can you spot the republicans in this picture of ladies running for congress?

  1. My eyes don’t go that small.
    But with some squinting I went 3 for 3 on candidates who I guessed are NOT republicans.

    19 of 80 is a lopsided proportion. Sad.

  2. too many of these alleged ladies appear to be batshit crazy to select a few conservatives.
    The truth is my old ass eyes can’t see any details with photos that small.

  3. Copy image address, go there; download it and open it with Irfanview or any decent photo handler. Enlarge a bit, it will go about +50% linear. 1650-1750 px horiz.

  4. @ Jethro,
    I thought Keith Richards had taken a turn for the worst…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Regardless of bad small eyes and bad eyesight, self included, we all know that conservative babes are waaaay hotter than the average late middle age white driving grey oiled haired failed feminist libs, just by looking at the bumper stickers…



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