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Friday, 26 June 2015, 1:50 BFH 22

Pls remember to be inclusive of our trans sisters, brothers & genderqueer kin when you #LiveTweetYourPeriod Not only women get their period — Tofu Hoe (@Feministfists) June 24, 2015 ht/ [Read More]

Super Zero

Thursday, 25 June 2015, 23:45 Dr. Tar 12

There is only one denizen of Hollyweird strange enough to think a white batman outfit is just the thing to wear to a wedding. But when it’s a Kardashian wedding, [Read More]


Thursday, 25 June 2015, 23:09 BFH 10

These are my favs from the double talkin’ caption contest.  AND MY NUMBER ONE FAV AFTER THE READ MORE—->

What’d He Do?

Thursday, 25 June 2015, 22:11 BFH 16

1. Did a cannonball into a kiddie pool, severely injuring a little girl. 2. Ran out onto the field at Dodger Stadium and wagged his pee-pee at the crowd. 3. [Read More]

He Did This

Thursday, 25 June 2015, 22:10 BFH 6

Man exposes himself outside police station where he just registered as a sex offender.

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