CBS News’ Deceptive Headline Pegs Grocery Store as Major Firearms Dealer – IOTW Report

CBS News’ Deceptive Headline Pegs Grocery Store as Major Firearms Dealer

Truth Revolt:

CBS News deceived readers on Thursday by reporting that the nation’s largest grocery store chain has stopped selling guns and ammunition to those 21 and under. Kroger did make that announcement, following Dick’s Sporting Goods’ and Walmart’s lead, however, a tiny fact that makes a world of difference in the reporting was left out.

Kroger owns Fred Meyer, which is a one-stop-shopping center like Walmart, and sells sporting goods, grocery items, produce, and other goods. There are only 43 Fred Meyer locations in Alaska, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. But the way CBS News made it out, you can pick up your favorite sidearm next to the lettuce at your friendly neighborhood Kroger:  MORE

18 Comments on CBS News’ Deceptive Headline Pegs Grocery Store as Major Firearms Dealer

  1. I believe Kroger was already in the process of eliminating the non-grocery part of Fred Meyer, but this might speed things along, unfortunately. Fred Meyer pioneered the “super Store” concept 100 years ago, and now, thanks to the Kroger buy-out, they are surrendering the sector to Walmart, and will soon disappear.

  2. We have them up here only they go by Fred Meyer…must witness protection or some shit. Anyway the libstains always have their panties in a bunch because the GUN SALES are right across the aisle from the TOY DEPT!

  3. Maybe that was the plan. Introducing guns to all Kroger stores. Under cover of “but you must be 21”. It’d be brilliant! Just think of the “Glocks & beer” specials.

  4. Anyone who lets CBS news determine their opinions
    deserves exactly what CBS news wishes to accomplish


    This is the only objective of the MSM

    They will tell you only what you’re allowed to know
    and only how you can think about it

    Communism is already here

    It’s called the MSM

    It’s called the democrat party.

  5. Brad, yep I haven’t stepped into a Dicks since that day. I wondered why the hell they were saying that now.
    As for WalMart I don’t think they sold AR-15s anyway, I’ve never saw one in any stores, but they’re going to get on their soap box and not sell toy guns either.

  6. @ willysgoatgruff,

    I don’t know about you, but in recent years cheese makes me go FULL-auto!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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