Change You Can Believe In — – IOTW Report

Change You Can Believe In —

cns– Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Calif.) announced Thursday that he and 47 of his colleagues have sent a letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell expressing “a number of significant concerns” with an HHS regulation requiring “doctors to perform gender transition procedures or treatments on patients including children, even if the doctor believes the procedures could be harmful.”

The new rule, Section 1557, went into effect in July and prohibits health programs that receive federal funding from HHS from discriminating against an individual on the basis of gender identity, gender expression and transgender status.

“This rule for the first time in history requires doctors to perform gender transition procedures or treatments on patients including children, even if the doctor believes the procedures could be harmful,” the congressmen wrote.

“Doctors who follow their oath to act in the best interest of the patients by refusing to perform these procedures face massive financial penalties and even job loss,” they added.

“The very guidance cited by HHS to justify this rule includes studies showing that up to ninety-four percent of children who wrestle with gender dysphoria will outgrow the dysphoria naturally and become comfortable in the bodies they were born with,” the members added.

“Children are some of the most vulnerable in our population,” the letter emphasized, “and this rule strips doctors of their ability to counsel and advise the best course of medical care in their professional judgment if they believe gender transition procedures to be harmful.


7 Comments on Change You Can Believe In —

  1. Damn! These terrorizing regulations are like IEDs laid by an enemy to explode without warning. No freaking wonder the liberal terrorists are afraid of Trump!

  2. Wouldn’t this also,mean by extension of logic,that a doctors opinion given in a court case could be challenged if it did not jive or agree with some Federal law or regulation?

  3. Thus anyone may be coerced to act in violation of professional or ethical principles. It is just a matter of finding a “reasonable” way to say it. You are not a free person you are a subject of the State.

  4. “Doctors who follow their oath to act in the best interest of the patients by refusing to perform these procedures face massive financial penalties and even job loss,”

    Government has long “forced” the populace to accept and act against their beliefs, desires, oaths or face severe retaliation.

    “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” Attributed to Geo. Washington

    Government no longer represents free people, but represent social justice agendas, special interest groups, lobbyists, foreign governments and international $billionaire benefactors.

    Government has become an irresponsible, coercive and dangerous master willing and able to attack, incarcerate or destroy individuals or groups who do not submit to the will of government.

    Limited Government? Land of the Free?
    More and more Government, Less and less Freedom.

    As government grows well beyond what was envisioned and sited in the Constitution, our freedoms slowly erode to the point where “The Land of the Free” have become hollow lyrics of a National anthem written over 200 years ago by a people who envisioned, chose, fought and died for Freedom over tyranny of Government.

    Benjamin Franklin (1706–90)
    QUOTATION: “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

    We are losing (or have lost it), Government and Federal Bureaucrats are now our Masters.

  5. Change Ahead? I sure as hell hope so! We need to get out of the shackles of this crazy new Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation” or say hello to Venezuela. Eight years ago a once great, powerful, productive and generous nation didn’t need to be “Fundamentally Changed”!
    NOW it does!
    Make America Great Again!

  6. Johns Hopkins Hospital quit doing sex change surgery because their study showed it was not therapeutic.
    I doubt DHH can make nuns and Catholic and other religion based hospitals do this.

    It’s going to end in progressive tears.

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