Changing of the Guard at RNC Angers Some “Republicans” – IOTW Report

Changing of the Guard at RNC Angers Some “Republicans”


Following her election as co-chair, Lara Trump said: “Everything I do at this committee will have one focus: re-electing Donald Trump, flipping the Senate, and expanding the House this November.”

However, her victory sparked an angry reaction from a sub-set of the GOP activist base on social media. More

13 Comments on Changing of the Guard at RNC Angers Some “Republicans”

  1. To all these people who “invested in winning elections” and are angry at this change, I ask how did you get to where you are by investing in FAILURE???

    That has to be one of the stupidest, dumbass statements yet!!

  2. Gee, it just breaks my heart to hear the Ryan-McRomBush clown show might be angry.

    They can rally around their over emoting latest flag bearer and each of them can cry me a tear the size of a horse turd for all I care. Just stay the hell out of the way and the people you look down on will put Trump in office and we can start to undo the damage you and your dear, dear friends across the aisle have done.

  3. What pisses them off even more is they and their dear, dear friends across the aisle will be under the microscope in November. It will be more difficult for them to act like they had nothing to do with STEALING an election.

  4. HAREY

    What they said sub rosa – an not reported – was the want LEFTIES town.

    In ’98 what the most popular man on talk radio said” Far left Dem can be said in only2 words -BUSH REPUBLICAN”

    He then listed 3 presidents “Bush Republicans” helped win: LBJ 64, Clinton 92, Clinton 96.

    I will add 4 more to his list
    BHO 08, BHO 12, Clinton (almost) 16 and Jo 2020! When they say win they mean FAR LEFT WIN! Not conservative.

  5. Lara Trump is a breath of fresh air (I pray so far and hope). It truly is good to have someone other than a RINO belly aching how we have to be in some kind of war or how we have to support these illegal bastards coming into our country. I don’t apologize to any of the Demoncrats or RINO assholes destroying our country. God Bless what is left of our country.

  6. “Everything I do at this committee will have one focus: re-electing Donald Trump, flipping the Senate, and expanding the House this November.”

    That works for me. I do not care for Donald Trump but I do respect his love of America and the Constitution. He is the current best fix for what the socialists have done to our country.

  7. Money loves the state. Unearned money loves the state and telling innocents what to do. Big Republican money is a combination or the two. Buckler’s conservatism was a deliberate charade by money to put up the figurehead of opposition to the leftist roll of government while benefiting from and facilitating irs continuation.

    Simple, grassroots small government, constitution bound political thinking really hasn’t had an organized representation of any kind, it still doesn’t in the Trump phenomenon but at least he’s supplanting the irredentist country club Buckley republicans… and making them howl on the way out.

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