China Fires Top Health Officials in Wuhan, Sends in Beijing’s ‘Anti-Corruption’ Crew – IOTW Report

China Fires Top Health Officials in Wuhan, Sends in Beijing’s ‘Anti-Corruption’ Crew


The Communist Party dismissed the director of Hubei province’s health commission and the Party leader in charge of it on Tuesday, the deadliest day so far since the coronavirus outbreak in that region began.

Hubei, whose capital Wuhan is believed to be where the never-before-seen form of coronavirus originated, has documented the highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths, which surpassed 1,000 worldwide on Tuesday. The two firings in the province follow the dismissal of several low-level figures amid local concerns of a complete purge of government agents in the area as punishment for allowing the outbreak to become as severe as it has. read more

16 Comments on China Fires Top Health Officials in Wuhan, Sends in Beijing’s ‘Anti-Corruption’ Crew

  1. “taking 20 days to alert the public”

    Police detained Li and forced him to sign a humiliating statement confessing to “severely disturbing the public order.”
    Virginia HB 1627

    Wuhan medical staff have orders to turn away any patients not “approved” by higher-up hospital officials.

    By not treating potential coronavirus cases, the Chinese regime can deflate the official number of cases it documents to the World Health Organization. Some reports have collected evidence of large untold numbers of Wuhan residents dying in their homes, then cremated in secret, erased from the official books chronicling the outbreak.
    Socialism at its best.

  2. Fired from a government appointed job for not keeping infections down to a government approved pace due to a government created virus.

    Sounds like San Fran if you replace firing with promotion, down with up, and virus with streetside feces.

  3. Think a minute. Can you imagine if this virus struck the west coast, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco etc, what the reaction of the state governments would be?
    These states cannot even keep the shit off their streets, their antifa thugs run rampant while the cops having coffee and donuts and they tax everything that moves or doesn’t move.
    If a pandemic hits an area with a totally incompetent leadership it will be a disaster. Total chaos would ensue. There would be requests for massive quantities of federal aid, Becerra would sue trump for some arcane reason,
    Neuteredsome would declare a state emergency and attempt to confiscate weapons and life on the west coast would be a lot scarier than it is today. It would make the Iowa caucus look organized and legit.

    A virus used to be named after the place of origin:

    Hong Kong Flu
    Spanish Flu (maybe)
    Ebola (River) virus
    Zika ( Ugada forest) virus
    MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)
    What’s so special about this Coronavirus?

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