Chuck Schumer Furious That Dead People Will Be Disenfranchised – IOTW Report

Chuck Schumer Furious That Dead People Will Be Disenfranchised

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that if someone hasn’t voted in 4 years, and doesn’t respond to warnings, they will be purged from voter rolls.

Schumer is furious, saying they are being disenfranchised.

Downtrend put it well-

Of course the lefties are crying that this obliterates our democracy or something to that effect, but what this really means is that people who died will no longer mysteriously be casting votes for democrats.

If someone never votes, who cares if that person is purged from the voter roll? It’s not like the person has any interest in voting and Chuck’s donkeys aren’t missing out on a vote, at least not a legal one. Oh wait, I just answered my own question.

15 Comments on Chuck Schumer Furious That Dead People Will Be Disenfranchised

  1. Around 2 PM eastern yesterday NPR did a lengthy piece on the Ohio ruling. In typical NPR fashion, they tried to paint it as an affront to democracy, calling it “a big win for Republicans.”

    At the end of the discussion, one reporter stated it would be wise to pay closer attention to your mail in Ohio, since the plaintiff in this case missed voting “for two years” and was disenfranchised. To his credit, the other reporter corrected her by stating “it wasn’t two years, it was two federal election cycles.” They closed that one up pretty quickly.

    A few minutes later, an ABC Radio reporter stated an Ohio voter was removed from the rolls for not voting “for a while.”

    These bastards intentionally misstate the crux of the matter to keep the lofos stirred up. My hat’s off to the SCOTUS for getting one right. A big FUCK YOU to the liberal media for doing what they do… twist facts into lies and misinformation.

    But I’m preaching to the choir.

  2. My old man wuz a staunch Republican voter all his life.
    Then for some strange reason he started voting democRAT right after he died.
    That disgusting P.O.S. Schumer knows full well that it is dead people that disenfranchise the voters!

  3. I guess they hate it when a law the democrats voted for gets upheld by the supremes.
    NVRA. Sponsored and passed by the democrates, signed into law in 1993 by Bill Clinton.

  4. It actually breaks down to like 6 years before they get the boot. Never fear though, the Demon-crates will just throw them on the bus, along with the illegal immigrants, give them there vote cards, and bus them to a voting center anyway.

  5. “schumer is furious, saying they are being disenfranchised.”

    the “they” being referred to is the democrats not the voters.

    he could care less about the voters who were being disenfranchised by the voter fraud being perpetrated by the democrats using dead voters to vote for them.

  6. In an official statement Sen Schmuckles said, “The AMC Network executives called my office stating this court ruling has made it impossible at the present time to move forward with filming “The Voting Dead”. This is a great disappointment.

    I know we all were looking forward to the Voting Dead joining “The Walking Dead” & “The Talking Dead” series of shows & had high expectations it would draw higher ratings than it’s predecessors. However, this does clearly show the American people just how intensely Donald Trump hates not only living democrats, but also the dead ones too. Trump’s hate has no limits. Thank you for bringing the tv cameras.”


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