CIA Director John Ratcliffe Releases Analysis by Biden’s CIA Favoring COVID Lab Leak Theory – IOTW Report

CIA Director John Ratcliffe Releases Analysis by Biden’s CIA Favoring COVID Lab Leak Theory


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has issued a new analysis on the origins of the COVID-19 virus, which favors the theory that COVID escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China. 

John Ratcliffe, nominated by Trump, confirmed by the Senate, and sworn in this week as CIA Director, released the files.

“One of the things that I’ve talked about a lot is addressing the threat from China on a number of fronts, and that goes back to why a million Americans died and why the Central Intelligence Agency has been sitting on the sidelines for five years in not making an assessment about the origins of COVID. That’s a day-one thing for me,” he told Breitbart earlier in the week.

Despite years of denial and censorship from government agencies, Big Tech, and mainstream media, the lab leak theory—once dismissed as a conspiracy—has gained substantial traction, now supported by findings from the FBI and other experts. more

8 Comments on CIA Director John Ratcliffe Releases Analysis by Biden’s CIA Favoring COVID Lab Leak Theory

  1. COVID didn’t just get up and walk out of the lab by itself anymore than an SUV can drive itself into a crowd! We all knew we were being lied to whether it came out of Jackass Joe, Nina Fricken Jerkowicz or the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!


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