Claim: Robinhood employee says the White House pressured halt of GameStop Trading – IOTW Report

Claim: Robinhood employee says the White House pressured halt of GameStop Trading

Geller Report: Screwing the little guy, the individual, that is the mission by objective of the Democrat party of treason and destruction. Crush the individual.

Class-action suit filed against Robinhood app for blocking trading of GameStop, other stocks… MORE

12 Comments on Claim: Robinhood employee says the White House pressured halt of GameStop Trading

  1. When wall st is in trouble government jumps to the occasion faster than shit out of a goose.

    “It’ll be 6 months while we bicker about passing a $2 Trillion stimulus which we give 15% to taxpayers who are alegedy the main reason we’re passing the stimulus.”

    government is broken. Confidence is dissipating faster than air out of a popped balloon. “Nothing, nothing, nothing, then… All at once!”

  2. I saw the Robinhood CEO on TV this AM stating that “market makers” and “hedge funds” placed no pressure on him to close trading, that it was done due to legal requirements.

    Could those reasons have included being investigated and sued by the DOJ,FBI, SEC…?

    Remember, 10% for the Big Guy.

  3. There is nothing about Wall St, hedge funds, big business and government that isn’t corrupt.

    The Election was Stolen!
    No Justice No Taxes!

    They will no doubt label that seditious but we are already domestic terrorists, so what’s a little sedition. Write that on a blank 1040 form and send it to the IRS. while you’re at it, send a copy to your senators and representative.

  4. Someone needs to identify Odin19199 to see if he is really a Robinhood employee, and if he is why he is risking exposure to claim this.

    I’ve come to highly doubt anything unnamed or obscured sources say as of late.

  5. I heard that Janet Yellen the Sec. of Treasury is in bed with the Wall Street vultures and they are using the SEC to go after anyone of the white hats who made money off of the hedge fund pirates. After the clear craphouse election with the DOJ going after everyone who was in DC for the inauguration, and the ridiculuous scam impeachment coming up, this is just the poison icing on the toadstool cake. People won’t swallow much more of the Marie Antionette shit show in DC. The elites are playing with fire here.

  6. what would anyone expect?
    there’s an organized crime family in the White House
    raggedity ann psaki’s brother is an executive at citadel.
    citadel owns robinhood, the trading platform.
    citadel paid janet yellen $800,000 for but one of the speeches she has given to them.
    they got their bases covered.
    they’re organized and they are criminal.
    joey basements is the ‘big guy’

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