“Climate crisis” agenda is not just about the environment, but about fighting the “colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression.” – Greta Thunberg – IOTW Report

“Climate crisis” agenda is not just about the environment, but about fighting the “colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression.” – Greta Thunberg

The “Climate Crisis” is not about the climate AT ALL. Never has been. It’s a communist movement using climate to dupe assholes into becoming useful idiots.


Thunberg said that her far-left activism has been about “changing perceptions” and “shifting” “public opinion” on climate change and getting “schoolchildren” to lead “the way in raising awareness.”

“Fossil fuels are literally choking the life from us,” Thunberg continued. “That action must be powerful and wide-ranging. After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities.”

Thunberg said that her goal in her “climate resistance movement” is “to change everything.”


43 Comments on “Climate crisis” agenda is not just about the environment, but about fighting the “colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression.” – Greta Thunberg

  1. Zieg Heil, ya little bitch

    too harsh?
    … ok, ummmm … can’t wait until they declare her an ‘enemy of the state’ & cook her in the oven


    oh, … & to add some delicious irony … the oven is powered by ‘fossil’ fuel

  2. They need to make a Greta doll — the type with the string in the back that you pull and the doll says disconnected words, such as, “RACIST!”, “COLONIAL!”, “patriarchal”, “climate”, “FREON!”, “RADON!”.

  3. Thunberg said that her far-left activism has been about “changing perceptions” and “shifting” “public opinion” on climate change and getting “schoolchildren” to lead “the way in raising awareness.”

    In other words;

    Propaganda….pure and simple.

  4. I’d like to make her go outside and cut a switch from a tree so I could whip her ass with it. That’s just the kind of attitude adjustment she needs. I raised four sons who could all beat me to a pulp but they wouldn’t dare try because they respect their father.

  5. If there are any lingering questions about how the “average” German could let someone like Herr Hitler come to power, there you have it.

    Greta and her family are virtue-signalling hypocrites and people are stupid to listen to her. You’d think that, of all people, Europeans would be circumspect about zealots of any stripe. What is with them?

  6. ” ‘Literally’ Killing Us

    Not soon enough. We might need to take over. This is regurgitated Agenda 21 shit from a retarded 11 year old. What a nice package. For the simplistic and weak minded. You know, Libtards.
    Good news. She has finally set sail back to the land of morons and the suicide culture.
    Bad news. They had to fly the captain out to pilot the ship.

  7. Tragic. An innocent, mentally deranged child with the appearance of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Has no idea what she’s talking about, no idea how she’s being used by the left. Children’s and Family Services needs to zero in on her parents rather than attacking Christian Home Schooling families.

  8. Tell you what, dear… When your little armies start executing the boomers wholesale… Grab a little no-go-zone territory… Maybe start an internal economy, free of The “United States” Federal Reserve… like, oh, I don’t know… some other luddites… I’ll give it a looksie. Until then, I for one, yearn, to welcome, our new, beardy overlords.

    (You should see if they’re interested in joining your coalition. Ask them. Bring some friends. Maybe a tent.)

  9. The state to which this world has come is exhibited in the girl Greta and her handlers. We are in for a period of war and chaos due to our infinite collective stupidity.

  10. Greta says – it’s also about the problem of the earth getting invaded by aliens, the problem of vaginal itching, and the challenge of finding homes for homeless cats and dogs.

  11. Every time I see adults listening to her seriously all I can think of is “Idiocracy”.
    If adults had listened to me up to age 18 I would be embarrassed today.

  12. The “Green” movement was the snot-like ooze left over from Euro-Communism’s collapse after Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative. They could no longer sell their putrid ideology so they shifted to “Enviro-Nazism,” which sold well in Europe and was easily transferable to the Americas. The Chinks refused to embrace what they considered “deviationist” ideology, but that was before the death of Deng and their commitment to “capitalist” exploitation of world “socialism.” But the fellow-travelers in European and American Academia quickly grasped the potential. When Global Cooling and Antropogenic Global Warming both failed they trotted out “Globaloney Climate Change” which covered every conceivable manifestation and direction of weather.
    Gets hot? No longer summer, but “Climate Change.”
    Gets cold? No longer winter, but “Climate Change.”
    Hurricanes in hurricane season? Yep – “Climate Change.”
    Death Valley temperatures in the 110s? “Climate Change.”

    Sort of like teasing a cat with a laser – the morons will follow the dot with a tenacity they’d never exhibit doing an actual job at producing something. Obsessive, mouth-frothing, irrational, wide-eyed, shrill-voiced, accusatory, vicious, hateful, grasping – and ultimately deadly – these “people” are completely impervious to reason and logic.
    They are a death-cult – similar to another well-known death-cult of Moon-worshipers who are known as a “religion of peace.”

    We suffer their existence at our peril – all humanity is threatened by their madness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. @gin blossom December 2, 2019 at 8:58 am

    Have hope, during this holiday season. Maybe sing an old song. How ’bout… “Green nuts roasting on an open fire”…

    Warms the heart. Warms the Erf, with useless carbon. Makes your betters bright. Well, brighten. But, sometimes, better’s just the best you can expect, rather than hope for.

  14. Until these environmental screeches, harpies, and hypocrites all do a mass suicide to reduce their carbon footprint, I call bullshit.

    Actually, I’m not telling the truth. If they all killed themselves to show their commitment to their cause to save Mother Earth, I would just point and laugh.


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