Clinton / Vagina 2016! – IOTW Report

Clinton / Vagina 2016!

A vagina covers a multitude of sins.

[PR]: Whelp, if you thought that Liberal women wanted to be treated equally despite their possessing a vagina, you would be wrong. It isn’t equality they want, but special consideration.

I know. You’re shocked to learn that.

Despite being under criminal investigation, despite her long years of scandal, despite her blinding incompetence, Hillary Clinton has become the first woman to ever receive the nomination of a major political party.

Who cares that she’s a dreadfully weak candidate with more baggage than a Samsonite factory?

She’s got a vagina and they’re out to make history!!!  more

21 Comments on Clinton / Vagina 2016!

  1. Did you have to use the word “Vagina?” My god, there are children on here. From here on out you might consider “Huma-door” in place of “Vagina?” The kids man, the kids!!

  2. Banjo Bill,

    “Huma-door” sounds like humidor and I don’t think we should chance confusing the cigar smokers with where to place their cigar…tho there is is that one guy lol

    I don’t think I ever thought she had a vagina. If I ever did I certainly forgot sometime in the last couple decades

  3. I wanted to barf at the speech she delivered from the Brooklyn Navy Yard last night. For this evil, cold, incompetent cunt to stand on the same soil where some our navy’s greatest ships were built for our brave oceanic warriors, and run her American-hating yap about “history being made” just rubbed me so much the wrong way that my skin is now raw.

    I’d like to remind this sick murderess that her husband’s impeachment was “historic,” too,

  4. But in their world, Trump (or Bernie) can just declare that he identifies as a woman and he is one. History made, problem solved. Can’t have it both ways.

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