Colorado: Denver council member wins with promise to impose communism ‘by any means necessary’ – IOTW Report

Colorado: Denver council member wins with promise to impose communism ‘by any means necessary’

American Mirror: Candi CdeBaca won a runoff race last week against former Denver city council president Albus Brooks, and she did it by promising to implement communist policies “by any means necessary.”

CdeBaca was among three candidates that unseated incumbents in the Tuesday runoff, preliminary results show, and she’s already drawing comparisons to Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old who unseated 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley in New York’s 14th congressional district in 2018.

“It’s historic,” said Carlos Valverde, state director for Colorado Working Families, a political activist group that supported CdeBaca. “It is in the vein of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. … A victory that really demonstrates people power over money power.”

CdeBaca defeated Brooks 52.4 percent to 47.6 percent, though military and overseas ballots are still being counted.

The upset victory, and two other incumbent defeats, marks the most significant shift in city leadership in over 30 years, and Valverde contends it “began a movement” toward more progressive policies once the new members are sworn in this week, The Denver Channel reports.

CdeBaca thanked her supporters on Facebook, where she claimed her secret to success was simply keeping it “real.”

“The Eastside taught me really early what ‘real’ really means. Don’t talk about it, BE about it. I knew in my heart if community who knew this principle still existed in the Eastside, they would see me and recognize real,” she wrote. “If they didn’t I was cool with it too because I wanted to serve those who understand this principle. They are here, they showed up, they recognized real.”

In April, Jonathan Woodley posted a video of CdeBaca during a “Denver Decides” candidate forum as she explained to voters exactly what she’s all about, and why she plans to implement communism at every opportunity.  more here

27 Comments on Colorado: Denver council member wins with promise to impose communism ‘by any means necessary’

  1. Want communism, hmmm cupcake? Fine. Whats say we start with you? Cough up your bank account, investments, savings for the future. Give up your way over paid gummit pay check. Have the party decide if or what you can drive, where you can live, whether or not you get heat in the winter, A/C in the summer. How do you feel about bread lines? Given any thought to filthy, third world, rationed, no anesthesia, free health care?

  2. I wish there was a positive takeaway from this, but there isn’t. Her election was due to millennials and people from Cali relocating themselves and their voting & social habits to Colorado. They, along with illegals bring an assault on this Republic every chance they get.

    Their ignorance and destructive capabilities are unmatched. I am afraid that this will lead to a second civil war. The great American experiment lasted for 200+ years. Dictatorships may be shorter, but they chew up the past and shit it out. We may all need to make a choice between freedom and slavery. Long live the Republic.

  3. frankly, if they are shitting in the streets………. It is time to exterminate.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Candi being a nutjob is the minor problem.
    That a population of voters exist that voted for her, and no doubt will vote for others like her later, is the biggest problem.

    I hope they soon reap the results of what they asked for, and are forced, by any means necessary, to remain living there to absorb the full impact.

  5. I wish we could structure a system for government spending that divided all revenue between parties. Each party would decide how those funds were dispersed. A mandatory amount from both parties would be set aside for basic government
    I think we’d quickly see the dems squander their allotment on giveaways and when the well dried up they’d have angry mobs crying for more. Meanwhile responsible spending by the opposing party would provide only necessary services.
    I think this would quickly bring the left to it’s knees.
    Just a undetailed theory.

  6. Another example of why the dems are going to be in trouble in 2020. Obama successfully indoctrinated and radicalized millennials with his occupy wall street rhetoric and here they are coming of age to enact it themselves. They aren’t interested in Biden’s uniting the country. They want to punish success and force their BS down our throats and they aren’t shy about it and they aren’t supporting anyone they don’t believe will do this. Hence your moderate candidates that you need to win aren’t going to get the primary. At this point they are going to have 20 people debate which will limit exposure to Biden and protect him. I hope these radicals show up in the audience to boo and hiss like they’ve been doing to candidates that won’t completely rule out capitalism.

  7. A wise lady once said: “eventually you run out of other people’s money” when referring to Socialism. Communism is just hard-core Socialism! I wonder what her “My Little Pony” rainbow explanation of Communism sounds like…
    (I’m pretty sure I know whut it smells like!)

  8. And she DOES realize that to implement “communism” in any state of the United States would violate, not only our Constitution, but the constitution of whatever state was foolish enough to elect her.

    These people are NOT idle blatherers – they are traitors intent upon the ultimate destruction of our country. AND THEY’RE NOT EVEN HIDING IT!

    Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Progressivism, Leftism, Liberalism – whatever you want to call it this week – CANNOT function under a Constitution that LIMITS the power of the government. PERIOD. We must jettison our Constitutional Republic to accommodate this filth? We are under NO such obligation.

    We suffer the existence of these traitors at our peril.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I have to disagree with the story, this is not a “significant shift” in the Denver City Council. The council has been left, if not far left, for a long time. The only difference is that a left-of-center politician has been replaced with a far left politician.

  10. Violence is in the air, being advocated in government.

    Communist takeovers are never peaceful, as history shows us.

    Prepare for it or be swept away by it.

  11. This is all the scum fleeing commiefornia and it’s unsustainable high tax rates and then voting for the same moronic politics in their new home state. Progressives contaminate everything they touch and there will come a day when they’re going to be calling for placing anyone not on their side into re-education/concentration camps. That is right before we make use of the 300 million firearms and 1 trillion rounds of ammo we’ve stockpiled for the occasion.

  12. The upset victory, and two other incumbent defeats, marks the most significant shift in city leadership in over 30 years

    First come, first served, “conservatives”. Boots on the ground. Incumbent removal is always good. By any means necessary.

    If you don’t want to be ruled by the Communists, the Islamists, the Cosmopolitans, then you need to remove and replace, replace, the current regime, first. If that’s not who you are, that’s fine. Just don’t expect anyone else to wait for you to straighten your bowtie. (Or shed a tear when you’re still waiting, against the wall.)


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