COULTER: Choose Between A Green America And A Brown America – IOTW Report

COULTER: Choose Between A Green America And A Brown America


In celebration of Earth Day this Saturday, let’s review how the Sierra Club sold its soul and screwed the Earth for a $100 million donation. They must hate themselves for it, so why shouldn’t we hate them, too?

After Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act began dumping millions of Third-Worlders on the country, the Sierra Club talked of little else besides reducing immigration.


In 1970, the club adopted a resolution complaining that the country’s growing population was polluting the “air, water and land” — to the point that “our very survival (is) threatened.”

In 1978, the Sierra Club adopted a resolution urging Congress to “conduct a thorough examination of U.S. immigration laws,” noting that the United States, Canada and Australia were the only countries admitting “more than a handful of permanent immigrants.”



In 1980, the club dropped its promotion of birth control, in order to focus on immigration. “It is obvious,” the club said, “that the numbers of immigrants the United States accepts affects our population size and growth rate,” even more than “the number of children per family.”

In 1989, the club’s Population Report expressly called for reducing the number of immigrants.

In 1990, the club’s grassroots leaders voted overwhelmingly to launch a major national campaign on the immigration problem.

Even people who don’t live in yurts can’t help but notice the environmental damage being done by hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans clamoring across the border every year, setting fires, dumping litter, spray-painting gang signs in our parks and defacing ancient Indian petroglyphs.

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SNIP: The photos above – Garbage that is left behind in Arizona by trespassing illegal aliens.

13 Comments on COULTER: Choose Between A Green America And A Brown America

  1. Eff earth day and Ira Einhorn too, one of the founders of ed (sounds like a dysfunction, right) who murdered his girlfriend, put her body in a trunk and fled to France and a hero to all these dumbass leftist progtards. It’s also ironic that it coincides with Lenin’s birthday. They’re nothing but watermelons green on the outside and red in the middle. I sure as hell won’t be celebrating earth day, what a crock of horseshit.

  2. E D, if the earth has an eruption that lasts longer than 4 hrs. it’s time to call on Capt. Planet to save the Earth from all evil mean conservatives who don’t believe in this made up bullshit. Calling Chicken Little etc., the sky is falling. HA! I fart in their general direction.

  3. No, Brad, read the article to the end. They are sellouts for money; the environment be damned. Just like the “climate change” people, this is all about certain people getting filthy rich and lording it over the little people.

  4. The best thing about earth day is pulling out the dire prediction from 1970’s leading scientists and university professors etc. I love being reminded annually how insanely laughably wrong their predictions were. Almost 50 years later the predictions haven’t changed. I really hope Trump stays away from the climate treaties and isn’t convinced to change his mind by Ivanka/Jared or any of the other liberals skulking around the White House.

  5. David Gelbaum, a fake American financier, paid a Progressive™ “N”GO hundreds of millions of dollars to do what their members said was the exact opposite of the right thing? Coincidentally the horrible, evil (according to the “actual experts” of the “N”GO) thing that would ensure David Gelbaum’s continuing billions of dollars in cash flow? And, completely, absolutely, coincidentally ensure the free flow of financiers like David Gelbaum?

    To quote a deplorable, corrupt politician: YOU LIE!

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