Cuomo Pardons 18 Illegals So They Can Avoid Deportation – IOTW Report

Cuomo Pardons 18 Illegals So They Can Avoid Deportation

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was busy at the end of last year pardoning felons. Out of a total of 61 pardons, 18 were for criminals here illegally. The governor’s action means that the state of New York will not have to co-operate if ICE requests these individuals be held for deportation.  More 

16 Comments on Cuomo Pardons 18 Illegals So They Can Avoid Deportation

  1. The federal government needs divest its investments in scofflaw states like New York. Start with West Point military academy and move on from there. Starve them out. Same goes for caliphornia.

  2. If he pardons them, the “who”, “when” and “where” of the release should be public knowledge, so ICE should have access to this info, right? So have the agents there to pick them up.

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