Decades of NYE Ball Drops – IOTW Report

Decades of NYE Ball Drops

9 Comments on Decades of NYE Ball Drops

  1. @ SNS….Myocarditis or what happened to Dick Hughs of the Lions in 1971. A blood clot released by a violent hit. Hughes arteries were 75% clogged and the hit released a clot that killed him…..Could the clot shot have killed this 25 year old?….Yep…. They will never admit it….

  2. Probably the worst environmental impact day in America. Just imagine how many tons of waste are generated? The amount of human waste is washed down the drains.
    Find a video of the clean up. Using plow trucks and payloaders to clean it up.
    Somebody’s making money, or it wouldn’t be happening.

  3. Wasn’t watching.
    Want to know.
    What time did it go down?

    Exactly, and the time zone and exact broadcast time.
    The Networks seem to be posting disinfoe and timetables right at this moment.

    What time did that happen in the football game?

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