Delingpole: Green New Deal Is a Revamped Communist Manifesto – IOTW Report

Delingpole: Green New Deal Is a Revamped Communist Manifesto



Breitbart Politics:

A few years ago at the height of the global warming scare I wrote a book which set out to answer one of the key questions of our time: if climate change isn’t really a problem why do so many people act as though it is?

The answer, I discovered, is that environmentalism is just a fashionable mask for the usual leftist obsessions with state control and wealth redistribution.

That’s why I called the book Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.

Not everyone who believes in man-made climate change is a full on Commie. Some are merely useful idiots. But whatever reason people may have for supporting the scam – greed, stupidity, virtue-signalling, idiot leftist teachers – the net result is the same: bigger government, higher taxes, more regulation, lower standards of living. Exactly like you’d get under communism, in fact.

So color me completely unshocked by the Green New Deal. It looks like a revamped Communist Manifesto because that’s exactly what it is.  more

10 Comments on Delingpole: Green New Deal Is a Revamped Communist Manifesto

  1. Sure… go ahead and put that Socialist/Communist Snake-Oil in yer country´s crankcase today and watch the economic gears grind to a smoking halt! Happens every time it´s tried! That’s why every off-the-wall, radical, bomb-throwing, card-carrying-Commie Leftist is pushing for it. Destroy America and everything it stands by robbing the country blind using the age-old ploy of giving away “Free Shit” to every ignoranus stumbling around in the haze of a Politically Correct disinformation smoke-screen!
    These people are NOT contributors. They are NOT givers. They ARE takers!
    Socialism is nothing more than legalized theft and this so-called “Green Movement” is nothing more than an excuse, or mechanism if you will, to extract vast amounts of tax money out of the system for them to buy votes, reward Political cronies, stomp adversaries and make themselves independently wealthy and when they don’t have enough they’ll simply take more! Just look at the upper echelon in Venezuela… every one of them is part of the controlling party… and these parasites ultimately killed the host in the process! We don’t have to live it. The writing is on the wall for everyone to see! Just study it!!

  2. Don’t forget it’s not only taxes and eroding rights, they are after your property and savings. It’s time to give these bitches what they have coming right fucking now. Tomorrow may be to late.

  3. Here is a picture of Saikat Chakrabarti, chief of staff for aoc and the primary writer of the green new deal. The guy pictured on his shirt is Subhas Chandra Bose, a fascist from India that allied himself with Hitler, Himmler, and Imperial Japan.

    Saikat Chakrabarti, President of Justice Democrats and senior …

    These people are trouble!


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