Dem Senator’s Slave Owning Great-Great-Grandfather Allegedly Sheltered John Wilkes Booth – IOTW Report

Dem Senator’s Slave Owning Great-Great-Grandfather Allegedly Sheltered John Wilkes Booth

Sounds like Peters owes a hell of a lot of reparations.

Townhall: The slave-owning great-great-grandfather of Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) allegedly harbored John Wilkes Booth, the assassin who killed President Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre in 1865, the New York Post reported

According to the Post, Peters’ late father Herb Peters retold the story of the senator’s great-great-grandfather, a slave-owning farmer who harbored fugitive and slavery-defender John Wilkes Booth for two days after Booth assassinated President Lincoln.  more

7 Comments on Dem Senator’s Slave Owning Great-Great-Grandfather Allegedly Sheltered John Wilkes Booth

  1. Just by the way, Garrett’s farm is now on Army Ft A.P. Hill, named after a confederate general, a short drive from here. Name of the base is also under pressure.

    Nothing is safe.

    For a good read try Manhunt: Search for Lincoln’s Killer by James Swanson.

  2. Why am I not surprised that a Democrat has this in his history? And why aren’t the mobs going after the people on the left side of politics? Nevermind, rhetorical question. Useful idiots.

  3. So we are not only going to check all old twitter posts for things that offend the touchiest liberals, but also things done and said 150 years ago?

    Time to secede, we hate each other.


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