Democrat Women Go Nude to Protest GOP – IOTW Report

Democrat Women Go Nude to Protest GOP

Some of the female models she chose were a Hispanic woman, a pregnant woman, and a transgender person who identifies as a woman.

Breitbart: Several Democrat women stripped to their skivvies for a photo shoot that is part of a campaign to urge people to vote against Republicans this election season.

Ten women decided to pose nude with paper ballots covering their private areas in a Vermont studio on October 28 for a photo shoot called “Grab Them by the Ballot,” in the hopes they could convince people to cast their ballots for Democrats instead of Republicans this November.  MORE

SNIP:  WARNING!  The link has photos.

h/t Jerry Manderin.

51 Comments on Democrat Women Go Nude to Protest GOP

  1. One of the ‘models’: “…Despite being diagnosed with several major disabilities (Crohn’s Disease, OCD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Nonverbal Learning Disorder to name a few) at 19 years old, she graduated from St. John’s University as the youngest person ever to receive a Bachelors of Science degree. ”
    A science degree. No doubt something to do with global warming. lol

  2. All humans want attention. These pathetic miserable failures have no experience with anyone paying attention to them unless they are giving up the pussy. It is sad, but if they had ever learned that attention gained for doing something of value and doing it well is fundamentally different than attention gained on the cheap we all may have been spared this spectacle.

  3. Goodness. I’ve not seen an unhappier bunch of people since election night, 2016. Delightful that the election is still repulsing them.

    That last one on the left is a skeleton! Thought it was Pelosi at first glance.


    At first glance, I thought one of ’em was Anthony Wiener.

    What’s next? A video of them naked and eating “used” pizza, in solidarity with the denizens of “food deserts”?

  5. Why is it the progressives, especially progressive women, are unable to get their point across without taking their clothes off? By the way, what was their point?

    Sidebar: This once again proves my axiom: All the wrong people get naked in public.

  6. once again proving my point that the progtards are a bunch of 4-year-old girls at Mom’s Tea Party, running around yelling “Look at me! Look at me!”

    … & when that doesn’t work, they pull their little party dresses off & run around yelling “Look at me! Look at me!”

    … spoiled, ‘effin’ brats

  7. “…nude with paper ballots covering their private areas.”

    This isn’t nude. This is bullshit.

    Go large or go home. If thou are tepid, I spit thee out. Show me the strength of your conviction. Or fuck off.

  8. I see they shredded one of their Handmaid’s Tale robes and shared the peices amongst themselves. Nice! I don’t get the the Katniss Everdeen bow and arrow though. My only guess is girl power. Nowadays, it’s all about girl power.

  9. “Hey, wanna’ take off your clothes for a photo shoot against Trump”
    “Will it make me look fat and repellent?”
    “Like a national geographic special on dugong mating.”
    “I’M IN.”

  10. MJA November 1, 2018 at 6:31 pm

    One of the ‘models’: “…Despite being diagnosed with several major disabilities (Crohn’s Disease, OCD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Nonverbal Learning Disorder to name a few) at 19 years old, she graduated from St. John’s University as the youngest person ever to receive a Bachelors of Science degree. ”
    A science degree. No doubt something to do with global warming. lol

    Crohn’s disease is bad and you can die from that. With all of her other “disabilities” she won’t be able to cope with what’s coming her way. Was that to garner sympathy for her or something? I have no sympathy for people who try to screw me over regardless of what’s wrong with them.

  11. It worked!
    I’ll vote Democrat.
    Yeah, sure.

    “Ten women decided to pose nude… n the hopes they could convince people to cast their ballots for Democrats instead of Republicans this November.”

  12. Everyone wanted to see the transgender — what do they really do with ‘that’ surgery? Is it a botch or some sort of prosthesis? Inquiring heterosexuals want to know ….

    All the other contenders are just your everyday freakazoids.

  13. Women and girls, other than conservative women, like to take their clothes off in public. I don’t know why that is. When I was 8, some neighbor girls danced in the buff for me and my friends. They insisted on it. We watched for a few minutes, then one of my friends said: “They should be ashamed of themselves”, then we left.

  14. All you people complaining about having to look at the pictures don’t know how good you have it. How would you like to be the election worker who had to actually process those ballots?

  15. I’ll take a print – last year I used Hillary’s picture on the fridge to keep me away from it – usually put on a couple extra pounds around the holidays!
    There’s always something new!


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