Democrats’ internal polling shows swing voters believe party went ‘too far’ on COVID – IOTW Report

Democrats’ internal polling shows swing voters believe party went ‘too far’ on COVID

SF Gate:

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is concerned that Republican attacks on the Democrats’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic have “alarming credibility,” according to a slide deck obtained by SFGATE.

The DCCC, which is the main campaign arm for House Democrats and is currently chaired by New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, worked with outside consulting groups to conduct an online poll of voters in the 60 most competitive House districts for the upcoming 2022 midterms. The poll was conducted from mid-January to early February, had approximately 1,000 respondents and a 3.1% margin of error.

Findings from the poll were presented to DCCC officials Thursday morning. One slide in the presentation, which was shared with SFGATE by someone who attended the presentation and was granted anonymity in accordance with Hearst’s ethics policy, states, “Many of the Republican attacks tested have alarming credibility,” including Republican attacks on COVID-19 policy. (The presentation does not clarify what it means by “credibility.”)

The poll found that that 57% of voters in competitive congressional districts agree with the statement, “Democrats in Congress have taken things too far in their pandemic response,” and 66% of self-defined “swing” voters in competitive districts agree with that statement. read more

10 Comments on Democrats’ internal polling shows swing voters believe party went ‘too far’ on COVID

  1. “Many of the Republican attacks tested have alarming credibility,” including Republican attacks on COVID-19 policy. (The presentation does not clarify what it means by “credibility.”)

    What it means by “credibility,” is that what the republicans have been saying all along has been true, and everything the leftist media has been saying has been pure B.S.

  2. Anyone who refuses to recognize that the Republican establishment was in on exploiting this bullshit for all its worth can’t be taken seriously. Don’t discount for a minute the part they played in it. Their motivation? Trading pharmaceutical stocks using inside information they were being fed.


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