Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2021 – IOTW Report

Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2021

Patriot Retort:

[…] it’s time for Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2021.

This is the list of people who, over the course of the year, exhausted the hell of out me.

29 Comments on Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2021

  1. I’m glad none of the vile odious boot-licking sycophants over at CNN and MSNBC were on your list. Their inability to move the “icky” meter even a smidgen tells me that not only is their schtick gone stale but their pedestrian efforts to remain relevant has become laughingly embarrassing.

    Bill de Blasio and a half dozen other mayors/governors should at least get an honor mention for their tone deaf tyrannical edicts purposely promulgated to disrupt disrupt lives, ruin businesses and make the populace more docile for future power grabs.

  2. I wouldn’t have Trump or Bannon on my list of 10. And her reasoning for putting Trump on the list I disagree with. Sure he sends out a stupid amount of fund raising emails and he brings up the 2020 election (he must) frequently, but if I had to justify putting Trump on a list like this it would be for his continued support of the jab and his keeping mostly quit on the political prisoners from January 6.

  3. Sure he sends out a stupid amount of fund raising emails and he brings up the 2020 election (he must) frequently, but if I had to justify putting Trump on a list like this it would be for his continued support of the jab and his keeping mostly quit on the political prisoners from January 6.

    I have at least 6 different Trump fundraisers in my “blocked” folder. Same on my Iphone. It’s been nice and quiet. My mistake giving his campaign money because they all have their hands out. I hope the GOP puts someone in there that will be good for America. Trump as I see him isn’t that person. I can’t with a conscience vote for him in 2024, and I won’t.

  4. Well, the Deep State is still using COVID as a big distraction from the issues that will eventually destroy this country. Their efforts to disenfranchise Trumps base and destroy the country for good appear to be working.

  5. Goldenfoxx, nobody is perfect, especially in politics. But the way I see it the Republican Party still has a stand alone leader, Donald Trump. His support for the jab could bring him down. I think he got played on that and the dems could easily hang this around his neck. But he’s America First and I believe him when he says it. If he’s on the ticket in 2024 he will have my vote.

  6. I have an all-time, “perpetual list” (among the living) that only changes slowly over time. It’s based on visceral reactions that don’t go away. From first to last:

    1. Barack Obama (all time leader)
    2. Hillary Clinton (Satan incarnate)
    3. Bill Gates (the world’s biggest dumbass anomaly)
    4. Anthony Fauci (lying, sadistic weasel with a power complex)
    5. Mark Zuckerberg (one seriously fucked-up kid punk)
    6. Nancy Pelosi (so much wrong I can’t even begin)
    7. George W. Bush (betrayer of everything he claims to stand for)
    8. Mitt Romney (lying, ulterior motive-driven, stinking asshole)
    9. John Roberts (sniveling, small-brained pervert who’s usually wrong)
    10. Meghan McCain (Oinc! Oh, please, just SHUT UP and go away!)

    Fauci is a new, rapidly rising star on the list.

    The two Republicans on my list have been migrating upwards.

    I don’t have a visceral reaction to Joe Biden. He’s just a sad sack of lying incompetence which has been true his whole adult life. And as sick as Bill Clinton is, he’s just a political scuzzbag that people should have seen through decades ago before he was President.

    I am tired of Trump’s bragging, particularly about the vaccine. He’s doing more damage to his own base than anyone else at the moment.

  7. All you who plan on deserting Trump, tell me besides Desantis who the hell is going to go up against the Commie Dem machine and be able to win?

    I’m right there with you on Donald Trump and some of his mistakes or missed opportunities but I will not desert him.

  8. Miss Kitty

    Exactly. And Trump has an essential understanding of how to run the economy that Desantis does not. Imagine what great shape this country would be in right now if Trump wasn’t sabotaged every step. In most cases by “OUR” GOP. You can’t convince me that our US Chamber of Commerce didn’t order up COVID.
    As far as Trumps down falls, yes I agree. He should shut up. But he won’t. He’s still the answer to our problems.

  9. Great list, General !!!

    I agree 100% with the listed and the reason. Only one I would switch is Steven Colbert for the McCain piglet; he has been one relentless ass.

  10. There is no one on our side that has gone to the mat for us like Trump. Am I happy he encouraged the shot? Fook no and I hope to fook he retracts that but at this moment, despite that and his tin ear when it comes to a lot of his appointments, there is no one that I’m aware of that could turn this economy and immigration nightmare around AND FAST besides DJT.

    He’s most certainly someone that I always perk up and listen to. And no one can deny his love of this country. He might and that’s a big might, turn into a human buzz saw if he’s reelected. He sure comes up with some outside the box thinking. So please name 1 person besides him that you could say all that about. I’ll wait…

  11. “He might and that’s a big might, turn into a human buzz saw if he’s reelected”

    He’s played their game once. He’s a quick study. I’m thinking he’ll be ready this time. It might be worth the price of admission to watch that. He knows exactly who the bad guys are now.

  12. Unless and until Trump gets back in the Oval Office he has a target on his back bigger than Neptune. Have you forgotten how he was attacked mercillesly BY EVERYONE, the liberals, the Media, the Romneys out there in GOP Traitorland …. EVERY fooking day of his Term.

    I still bet there are threats made against him AND HIS FAMILY sub rosas. His daughter in NYC just today.

  13. @Anonymous January 3, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    Truthfully, I ALMOST made Colbert #10. But he’s just another puff-brain, liberal dickhead who thinks he’s cute and smart. McCain, on the other hand, I’ve seen more often and her spew and face cause “the reaction” slightly stronger than Colbert. And being so involved in politics, she should know better. If her Daddy were alive, he’d be on the list and she wouldn’t be.

  14. I love Trump but not all those emails. If there at important messages in them I’m not getting them as I spend my time deleting the too many to read emails. I have other things to do, maybe one a day.

  15. Bannon’s “tiresome podcast”? Tens of millions of downloads and tiresome? We won in VA in part due to his podcast (along with the John Frederick’s Radio Show) rallying the troops to get involved in precincts to take an active part in the vote process and counting. We tripled our coverage from the last election.

  16. I would replace Bannon & Trump with Mike Pence & Adam Schiff. Using her criteria I can see why Pence wasn’t on the list, but what he did when not standing up against election fraud is beyond traitorous and needs never be forgotten. Trump will certainly have my support if he runs again. I believe the mistakes he made were because he wasn’t a career politician (the exact reason why I supported him in the first place) & put too much trust many who were. I doubt he’d make those mistakes again.


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