Dipchit Senator Tries To Dunk on Witness – Gets Toasted – IOTW Report

Dipchit Senator Tries To Dunk on Witness – Gets Toasted

ht/ hot salsa

13 Comments on Dipchit Senator Tries To Dunk on Witness – Gets Toasted

  1. She was wearing a mask which indicates a level of stupidity. If the object of her question was to put the witness down, witness in the burying her with his response.

  2. After finishing his qualification he should have ended with “is that good enough for you?”

    Even without having “Democrat” in the tweet I could have guessed that she was a Democrat. What a hack.

  3. Bless her little arid heart. I’ll bet she earned a degree in Communications all by herself. (An Associates degree, and it’s from the ‘junior college’).

    And these are the imbecile Karens, yes certainly democrats, that inhabit, no INFEST, our legislatures that crave lordship over us all.

    I’ve seen enough stupidity, lack of consideration of others, absolutely NO sense of themselves or their capability, and all this from the JERKOFFS that want to RUN OUR LIVES !!
    At this point, if we don’t have a war, a severe beatdown of these egotistical morons, I will be disappointed.

    The election was totally FUBAR, you all were caught, and you don’t have the decency to back down. It’s near time to just shoot you in the face. Aaaaaaargh!

  4. oh, it was that Karen. I’d heard of this all day yesterday but the only video i saw was the blondish brunette going all schitzo while sitting next to a rep. senator in the GA hearing.

    Too bad he didnt continue into an epic beatdown.


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