Dip$hit Martha Raddatz Says the Border Crisis is Trump’s Fault – IOTW Report

Dip$hit Martha Raddatz Says the Border Crisis is Trump’s Fault

Raddatz said by Trump, Abbott, and DeSantis complaining about an open border, this alerts everyone that there is an open border, thus the crisis.

So, if you live in a neighborhood where there is no police protection and you complain about it, it is your fault if you are raped. You told the rapists there is no police.

She should be throat-punched.


22 Comments on Dip$hit Martha Raddatz Says the Border Crisis is Trump’s Fault

  1. I used to Love watching her when Trump was running and Prez.
    She always sounded one word away from a crying breakdown.
    I loved it every Sunday Morning before My workout.

  2. One of my vocabulary study words from a 2 years ago (German) Gotta’s love these compound words.
    Backpfeifengesicht – a person who needs to be slapped or punched.
    Literal – A face badly in need of a fist.
    Perfect for this asshat

  3. That cunt Veronica Escobar… our House Of Rep. member was on the early news this morning. She called El Paso ‘America’s Front Door’ and like the others above said the border bullshit is all Trump’s doing. If he hadn’t started building the wall there wouldn’t have been a rush to get here. I hope she dies a slow agonizing death. Damn… listen to me and what I’ve become.

  4. The border crisis IS Trump’s fault.

    Trump PROMISED to drain the swamp. Trump FAILED to empty the DOJ, (including the FBI,) on his first day in office.

    If Trump had kept his word, then his beautiful border wall would be complete, the Mexican narco-state would be dead, and none of those iAero flights from central America would be dropping off illegals in the interior.

    What? No one reports on the flights chartered by the Biden administration to fly illegals directly to the interior of the U.S.? Now that’s just lazy journalism.

  5. Marooned,

    1) Shit takes time and he only had 4 years with almost everyone resisting him. BIGGER SWAMP than thought and he’s still getting dragged through courts as we speak.
    2) He WAS/IS NOT a Dictator and follows American Law & the Constitution.
    3) You would have done better?

  6. I went into a different Walmart, today. I thought I was somewhere south of the border. It was obvious they were mostly illegal aliens. Let’s go, Brandon! A few of them were in the parking lot begging for money with signs written in English. LET’S GO, BRANDON!

  7. Kcir, this is America, learn the rules.

    It is within the purview of the President, (especially PotUSvsg,) to fire ALL of the lieyers in the DoJ. The FBI is a subsidiary of the DoJ staffed mainly with … lieyers.

    Trump failed,

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