Discuss – IOTW Report


NEW YORK (Reuters) – Singer Carly Simon has revealed the mystery behind one of pop music’s enduring puzzles: the inspiration for her 1972 hit “You’re So Vain.”  [Story Here]

REUTERS/Jason Redmond
REUTERS/Jason Redmond

Irony Curtain update-


52 Comments on Discuss

  1. The lesson here is a clear one. Fellas, if ya need to scratch the Jew broad itch, do it early and get out right away.

    This photo of Bubbe Carly is actually three years old already.


  2. Microchimerism just might occur also during sexual contact not just from pregnancy. Hmmm, how does it happen that a lot of people start looking like their dogs and muzzies have camel noses. Never mind.

    You might just be correct Unruly.

  3. Wyatt, I have always done well at the hippodrome by betting on the horse that takes a big, giant shit right before the race.

    (huh? what? that only applies at the dog track??)

  4. Back in the day, when she was so hugely popular, and everyone swooned over her, I would say, “but she’s so homely.” And I would just get the look, like I was crazy. Well, she WAS and still is, homely.

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