Disgraced Documentary Maker Says She Doesn’t Regret Editing Film To Reflect a Falsehood – IOTW Report

Disgraced Documentary Maker Says She Doesn’t Regret Editing Film To Reflect a Falsehood

…according to the Chicago Tribune, Stephanie Soechtig only regrets that she gave the NRA something on which to focus. Soechtig said, “Had I known those eight seconds out of a two-hour film would give the NRA something to fixate on, maybe I would’ve done something different. But I made a decision, and I stand by it.”


Stephanie Soechtig, eh?

How is that last name pronounced? lol

16 Comments on Disgraced Documentary Maker Says She Doesn’t Regret Editing Film To Reflect a Falsehood

  1. My God, what a stupid woman. It’s not so much the 8 seconds that are going to cause a problem it’s the fact that now everything she’s done in the past or in her (presumably limited film maker) future will be questioned as to either its’ truth or whether she’s be creative with her editing again. I hope this story stays in the news and on the blogs for quite some time.

  2. @Moetom; Have to disagree. This action of hers will provide anybody an opportunity to ask a question about the veracity of her work. The first question on all subsequent works will be “How do we know this documentary wasn’t edited to obscure points you didn’t want your audience to know” or something to that effect. I’m pretty sure she’s done. She might get some tepid support by the lefties but she’s now regarded as damaged goods so under the bus she goes.

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