Disgraced IDW figure Sam Harris DELETES his Twitter account – IOTW Report

Disgraced IDW figure Sam Harris DELETES his Twitter account


On Thursday, prominent atheist and disgraced member of the Intellectual Dark Web Sam Harris deleted his Twitter account.

The move comes after the Waking Up podcast host was slammed for stating that he hated Trump to such an extent that he wouldn’t have cared if Hunter Biden “had the corpses of children in his basement” in the lead up to the 2020 election.

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec lit up Harris back in August of 2022 over his Never-Trump derangement and enthusiasm for censorship.

When users click on @SamHarrisOrg’s profile, a message pops up stating that, “This account doesn’t exist.” All the tweets and replies he sent are also gone, with only those screenshotted by other users still on the site. more

12 Comments on Disgraced IDW figure Sam Harris DELETES his Twitter account

  1. The Idiot has no credibility left what so ever.
    He would vote Democrat no matter what they do or how much damage they cause. He would lie for them, accept anything they say, and justify it as the greater good.
    He is a member of a CULT and does not see it.

  2. “… he hated Trump to such an extent that he wouldn’t have cared if Hunter Biden “had the corpses of children in his basement” …”

    This isn’t “run-of-the-mill” mental illness – this is something else entirely.

    Notice that NONE of these psychopaths can EXPLAIN WHY they hate Trump? Odd.
    It would probably take years of psychotherapy to get at the root of their hatreds.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Disgraced only in a dotards mind. Everyone is leaving Twitter. The right-wingers can have it. There is nothing wrong with his statements. Free speech. Just given the cult members a taste of their own medicine. The bigots don’t like it one bit.

  4. It’s not his TDS I find intriguing, but his mantle of “prominent atheist”. With the overwhelming historical proof (including incontrovertible archeological finds) corroborating the facts of the Bible, atheism is considered deader than a door nail these days. Even among agnostic scholars and real scientists. If you’re still defending atheism, you’re a true science denier. Atheism is a laughable position to hold.

  5. SammyHjr,
    Are you aware that “right-wingers” means “monarchists?”
    No one adheres to monarchy more than the so-called socialists (see: Kim dynasty, for instance) who elevate all their dictators to godhood (see: Kim, Lenin, Stalin, Tito, Hoxha, Ortega, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, and the CCP’s Mao and Xi, for instances).

    Ignorance is inexcusable (by the way, “left-wingers” refers to Republicans).

    I know, I know … usage is king … but there’s no excuse for parading ignorance.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est

  6. Once again, we have one troll on here who signs in using different names. Today, on this thread it’s “SammyHjr” and “Mark”. Go away, troll, or pick a name, stick with it, and try to make a cogent, lucid argument .

  7. Mark,
    A “fascist” is an Italian Socialist.

    You klowns are Humpty Dumpty: “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more, nor less.”

    The socialists and communists called themselves “Republicans” during the Spanish Civil War because it gave them a cachet of legitimacy.

    Read a book.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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