Disheveled Nebbish Mess With Hunchback Wants To Save America From Prosperity – IOTW Report

Disheveled Nebbish Mess With Hunchback Wants To Save America From Prosperity

Have you heard the Bernie Sanders energy plan for America? The beauty of it is after he wrecks the American economy, and it has absolutely no effect on the climate, his shrunken, shriveled smelly ass will be long gone.

That’s what charlatans do. They make sure they are nowhere to be found when their asinine plans kick in, that way we don’t get to kick them until they’re dead.


Last week Sen. Bernie Sanders unveiled his sweeping energy plan for America’s future. He is convinced that in his words, “climate change is  the single greatest threat facing our planet,” that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the main driving force in the planet’s climate , and that the government must do its utmost to stamp out the carbon menace.

I have no doubt that Bernie really believes this, because having watched him for forty years I understand that he is utterly incapable of entertaining any fact or evidence that would undermine his arguments.

Bernie wants an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. To reach this developing world level of CO2 emissions, he wants a national carbon tax,  ban all offshore drilling; stop pipeline projects; ban natural gas and oil exports; force states to ban fracking; impose a new fuel-efficiency standard of 65 miles per gallon by 2025; and of course jack up “massive” federal subsidies for wind, solar, geothermal, biofuels, home-efficiency programs and energy storage; high-speed passenger rail, and shut down America’s 100 carbon free nuclear plants.  As the Wall Street Journal noted in an editorial, “ he Sanders plan admits that decarbonization under current technology will require a government-mandated top-to-bottom remake of the U.S. economy, and maybe the American way of life. Welcome to the revolution.”

In my view, Bernie’s plan would put a staggering cost burden on Americans, to produce no detectable effect on climate. – John McClaughry

ht/ Sam S.


6 Comments on Disheveled Nebbish Mess With Hunchback Wants To Save America From Prosperity

  1. Climate change was the biggest threat mankind faced during history as it usual turned colder and shortened the growing season and even made deserts out of temperate zones. Colder temps made for lest moisture in the air which made for less rainfall. Plants have this thing for water, they kind of insist upon getting it or they stop growing food.

    I pray that during my remainder of living on this ball of dust, mankind collectively get’s this but I’m not holding my breath. Stupid is as stupid does.

  2. Something to think about, and ask Libtards (and possibly watch heads explode);
    -“Watermelons” (green outside, red inside), claim to LOOOVE the earth.
    -Plants breath IN CO2, and exhale O2.
    -“Watermelons” want to restrict and even REDUCE CO2.
    -Ask a Libtard “Watermelon” if he really loves the earth enough to kill it by reducing CO2 and therefore reducing the amount of plant life.

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