Ellison’s Accuser: Dems Have ‘Smeared, Threatened, Isolated’ Me – IOTW Report

Ellison’s Accuser: Dems Have ‘Smeared, Threatened, Isolated’ Me

Breitgar— Karen Monahan, who has accused former boyfriend Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) of domestic abuse, said that she has been “smeared, threatened, [and] isolated” by the Democratic party.

Since she came forward with allegations of domestic abuse by Ellison, the co-chair of the DNC, Monahan has faced an uphill battle. She rebuffed Ellison’s private plea for her silence but has been paying the price ever since.

A user on Twitter referenced a statement by former Hillary Clinton adviser Peter Daou admonishing people to believe Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford and posed a simple question to Monahan: “Democrats say believe women, do they believe you….”

9 Comments on Ellison’s Accuser: Dems Have ‘Smeared, Threatened, Isolated’ Me

  1. Stop whining. No one should “convict” either the admirable Kavanaugh, or the execrable Ellison without evidence.

    Show the evidence.

    I am sure Ford is currently busy writing her diary from 1982.

  2. Stop whining. No one should “convict” either the admirable Kavanaugh, or the execrable Ellison without evidence.

    Show the evidence.

    I am sure Ford is currrntky busy writing her diary from 1982.

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