Do the Math: Sanders Won’t Have Enough Delegates Before the Convention to Clinch It – IOTW Report

Do the Math: Sanders Won’t Have Enough Delegates Before the Convention to Clinch It


He hasn’t won any delegates and probably won’t win many before Super Tuesday on March 3. But the Michael Bloomberg campaign is telling other Democratic candidates to drop out so that he can go one-on-one with Bernie Sanders — and save the Democratic Party from itself.


“The fact is if the state of this race remains status quo — with Biden, Pete and Amy in the race on Super Tuesday — Bernie is likely to open up a delegate lead that seems nearly impossible to overcome,” Kevin Sheekey, Bloomberg’s top strategist,  told Axios. “I don’t think many people understand the dire circumstances here.”

Obama’s 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe agrees:


If this happens, Sanders would have a pledged delegate lead he’ll never relinquish. …Nate Silver✔@NateSilver538Average projected delegates through Super Tuesday:

Sanders 608 (41% of delegates thru March 3)
Bloomberg 273 (18%)
Biden 270 (18%)
Buttigieg 157 (10%)
Warren 127 (8%)
Klobuchar 55 (4%) …
8067:02 PM – Feb 18, 2020

The Washington Post calls Sanders “uncatchable,” but is he a sure thing to win the nomination? The math says he can’t lock up the nomination before the convention.

And the reasons are varied, but you can start with the Democratic Party itself, which appears to have a talent for trivializing the momentous and complicating the obvious. read more

20 Comments on Do the Math: Sanders Won’t Have Enough Delegates Before the Convention to Clinch It

  1. Bernie could probably have won every vote in all the Democratic primaries and the Dems would still say he didn’t have enough delegates to clinch the nomination.

    While I am not convinced, it would not surprise me if the DNC already has their candidate picked out but that person is not in the primaries so as not to get his/her feet wet.

  2. @ RadioMattM FEBRUARY 20, 2020 AT 2:25 PM

    It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

    Joseph Stalin

  3. I don’t even really see a fire in Bernie this time around. He knows the game, he’ll end up with some of Bloomberg’s cash in his pocket. And the elites will figure it out. And welcome back Hillary for run number 2.

  4. I can promise you this: Rose City Antifa are 100% Bernouts. The Antifa are gearing up for another 1968

    I still know LEO in PDX, a few of them haven’t left yet (too close to retirement).

  5. I hope all the IOTW readers that live in either Portland or Seattle are either armed or getting that way quick. We could have the IOTW on line crash course on how to shoot like you mean it.

  6. 2 more Turds need to drop out just to see weather the votes shift to the Commie, the little guy from the big city, or the little guy from the not big enough to be a city.

    I would think that as candidates drop uot, those votes will go anybody but Bernie.

  7. @Brad: As opposed to?


    “Oops, just kidding!”

    “I didn’t know the gun was loaded!”

    “Oooh, did that hurt?”

    “I’m sorry you’re dead. My bad!”

    “Where’s his head?”


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