Doctor Seen Dancing And Singing During Surgery Fights To Keep Her Medical License – IOTW Report

Doctor Seen Dancing And Singing During Surgery Fights To Keep Her Medical License

KFI: Getting down while getting surgery doesn’t sound like something that would be approved by the American Medical Association and it seems like one Georgia doctor has had to learn that the hard way. Dr. Windell Davis-Boutte had her medical license suspended this month after she was accused of filming music videos during surgeries without the patient’s consent.   more here

SNIP: Her face looks like as if she did some work on herself.

12 Comments on Doctor Seen Dancing And Singing During Surgery Fights To Keep Her Medical License

  1. I was about to say what everybody is thinking.
    Let’s just forget about it and hope that this type of individual is never our surgeon, pilot, air traffic controller, driver, mayor, general contractor, grocery bagger, Senator, stevedore, ombudsman, Gardner, or mechanic.

    Or, god forbid our future sister or mother in law.

  2. this is what happens when a society decides to give everyone ‘participation trophies’ instead of making them earn their skill sets
    we’re going Third World faster that crap through a goose

  3. RN here
    If she was showing patients, thats a HIPAA violation, and I’d say that if they consented or not. (Don’t screw with HIPAA).
    She specialized in liposuction. She sucks. Several patients are suing her for malpractice.
    I’ve worked in OR’s with music, but if there were singing and dancing, I would have been the one to protest.
    Sad thing is- she probably thought what she was doing would be seen as ‘cool’ or edgy, and that she would be famous for it. Guess she is.

  4. Admittedly I live in a rich fantasy world, but I seem to remember monks in robes singing Gregorian chants during my last colonoscopy. Having followed the purge process as instructed (other than the lone raisinet I ingested as a surprise for the anal spelunkers) I was empty, cavernous and the echo of their monophonic chant through my vacant orifice was enchanting. Almost hypnotic.

    Or it could have been the drugs.

    But there was no fucking dancing.

  5. She more like a Voodoo priestess than a doctor. The way she’s butchered her patients is proof. Hope they take away her Doctor’s license and permanently prevent her from obtaining a license in any other medical profession. She’s dangerous.


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