Doesn’t the Koran Animate Men To Murder? – IOTW Report

Doesn’t the Koran Animate Men To Murder?

ht/ Jason Chisel


Same friggin’ formula every time. They’ll never learn.

Savage, racist maniac kills a bunch of innocent Americans at a bible meeting in SC.
Liberals don’t waste a minute pulling out every cause they’ve ever trumpeted from gun control to global warming to

the confederate flag in an effort to shift blame from the maniac to their enemies list.
What do RINOs like Mitt do? THEY JUMP HEADFIRST INTO THE FALSE PREMISE!!! Now, Republicans “must defend themselves against the confederate flag issue”. A BOGUS ISSUE THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MASSACRE OR REPUBLICANS.
What a friggin’ idiot. Good work, Mitt. Now, RACIST MASSACRE = REPUBLICANS AND CONFEDERATE FLAG, which drives me crazy because the REPUBLICAN PARTY WAS FIGHTING THE CONFEDERACY!!!!!!
I’m gonna pop a blood vessel.

18 Comments on Doesn’t the Koran Animate Men To Murder?

  1. The confederate flag doesn’t have any text printed on it, so there is nothing to inspire anybody to violence anymore than a German Shepherd’s bark could make somebody go full Nazi.

    Do something about the iSIS flag at your doorstep, idiots. That one is attached to a cold blooded killer who lusts for your severed head.

  2. Did the Confederate Flag kill anyone?

    Lincoln was a Republican – so where’s the connection?

    Mittens needs to shut up and put on his “thinking cap.”

  3. Just seems to me that the Flag of the Confederacy wouldn’t “properly” be flying at half-staff since it in no way represents the present State of South Carolina. Both the U.S. Flag and the Palmetto State’s flag are at half staff since they’re on the SC Capitol Dome which represents the State of South Carolina.

    The Confederate Flag is off to the side of the Capitol Building and doesn’t “have” to be flown at half staff since it’s there to represent some of the State’s History and not its present.

    Isn’t it past time that the “conversation” turned to the dangers of “anti-depressants” which do more harm to some than good ??? Ever pay attention to some of those drug ads on TV and their possible side effects?

  4. More and more, the Confederate battle flag (not the actual Confederate flag) is being transformed by Leftists, not into an emblem of racial oppression, but into a symbol of resistance to Government control and oppression. Kinda like what it started out as. Ironic, isn’t it…?

  5. Quickly! We must register all Korans with the future intent to confiscate them all. After all, we all know that the Koran is responsible for severing heads from bodies. Dangerous book; dangerous!

  6. Consider the post under the name “Corona.” That’s right, “Corona.” Just like that long brown phallic shaped thing you poke your mouth with. There’s a great example of liberal tolerance.

  7. I interpret your comment to be an affirmation of the sentiments expressed in the original question of SooperMexican above, namely that blaming the Confederate (battle) flag for racism is as stupid as blaming the Koran for ISIS beheadings. Great point, Anon. You’re a good Conservative thinker.

    : )

  8. It’s a goat drinkin’ Coors beer and it’s not photo shopped….that’s all it means…they’re pretty fun to drink beer with….it’d crack you up…his name is Gus and he spills less beer then my human friend Dan….

  9. Why?

    If you are “Anonymous” it shouldn’t make any difference, at all. You could be “Mittens” a known asshole who should shut up. Or you could be Donald Trump, another known asshole who should shut up. Or you could be JEB Bush, still another well-known asshole who should shut up. Or you could be Hillary Clinton, another huge, oozing asshole who should definitely shut the fuck up.

    Don’t take offense, shadow person.

  10. Or……or..or……….I could be you Tim; a liberal puke who only knows how to call people he doesn’t know and has no association with, names. Thank God, I’m not!

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