Dominion’s Lawsuit Against Fox News Is Unfounded – IOTW Report

Dominion’s Lawsuit Against Fox News Is Unfounded

American Greatness:

We truly are living in an alternative universe the founders of this republic would not recognize. It’s bad enough that the America-hating Left seeks to undermine the First Amendment as a means to crush dissent; in conservative circles that is now taken for granted. What is worse is the shameful abandonment of the freedom of the press . . . by the supposed press

And yet again, America’s corporate media refuses to defend what was once considered a nonpolitical, nonnegotiable right when it comes to ideological differences with the Left. 

Consider Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against Fox News for putting several individuals on air who claimed that rigged voting machines swayed the outcome of the 2020 election. 

Here’s the problem: the individuals in question were the president’s lawyers. These lawyers repeatedly stated they had proof that Dominion’s voting machines were rigged to flip votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network simply aired the news that the president’s lawyers were making these claims. In some instances, the Fox host allowed the president’s lawyers to make the claims with little push back. In other instances, Fox hosts did push back and demanded evidence, and even suggested they stop making the claims without it. In fact, Fox News invited Dominion representatives to appear on air to give their side of the story, but the company declined all but one invitation. Instead of entering the public debate, Dominion began preparing litigation soon after the election. MORE

7 Comments on Dominion’s Lawsuit Against Fox News Is Unfounded

  1. It’s quite obvious that our election system has been hijacked by ChiCom Dominion. There is no faith in our electoral system.

    Biden got 81 m votes my ass. I’m going to try to get motivated for my perennial participation in the legal voting system. I am not optimistic.

    The commies have taken over.

  2. Ever wonder why GWB’s boy did not say “NO STANDING”? The answer is the Canucks (DOMINION for those too poor to TAKE OUT YOUR WALLET AND PAY ATTENTION) are “Bush Republican” expats.


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