Donald Trump Named Top Global Oppressor of the Press – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Named Top Global Oppressor of the Press

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

The Committee to Protect Journalists has named Donald Trump winner of its “Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom” in its “Press Oppressors” awards. The CPJ named Trump as the leader who most undermined press freedoms in 2017, despite the fact numerous other world leaders actually work to block the free press in their countries.

“While previous U.S. presidents have each criticized the press to some degree, they have also made public commitments to uphold its essential role in democracy, at home and abroad. Trump, by contrast, has consistently undermined domestic news outlets and declined to publicly raise freedom of the press with repressive leaders such as [Chinese President] Xi, [Turkish President] Erdoğan, and [Egyptian President] Sisi.”

He gets a lot done with those tiny hands, doesn’t he. Just goes to show a little determination goes along way. I mean China has the great firewall that censors speech in real time and requires news outlets to have licenses. Turkey, well they just kill journalists Erdogan doesn’t like, all the while Trump hasn’t even proposed legislation against the fifth estate, he just tweets.  read more

16 Comments on Donald Trump Named Top Global Oppressor of the Press

  1. Did he lock them in a closet as Joe Biden did?

    Rope them off like cattle as Hillary Clinton did?

    Did he label a journalist a “co-conspirator” and a flight risk for leaking info like Obama did?

    Hack any reporters’ e-mails like Obama did to Sharyl Attkisson?

    No? Then the CPJ kind take a deep swig from a piping hot cup of STFU.

  2. Back in 2016, Erdoğan had up to 120 journalist arrested. He also has people arrested for insulting him. I don’t see President Trump throwing Rosie O’Donnell, Kathy Griffin or the women of The View in jail for their bombastic tirades.
    This is the Left at its best. Nobel Peace Prizes for those who support Hezbollah drug dealing, scorn and outrage over tweets.

  3. Riiiiiight…….if President Trump were Undermining Globull Press Freedom, you wouldn’t be here to bitch and moan about it. You’d be under arrest under the deepest prison dungeon. Yet here you are, spouting your DildoCratic Fake News.

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