Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting On Horowitz and Huber Investigations into the Clinton Foundation – IOTW Report

Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting On Horowitz and Huber Investigations into the Clinton Foundation

In the giddy days following the Mueller investigation destroying the Russian collusion narrative, some are getting their hopes up that the reports from DOJ AG Michael Horowitz and the John Huber probe into the Clinton Foundation will strike pay dirt. While the findings of both are expected soon, the prospects of either leading to justice for those deep-staters in the DOJ and FBI seem a long shot at best. More 

6 Comments on Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting On Horowitz and Huber Investigations into the Clinton Foundation

  1. Hillary is way ahead of everyone…she is above the law, she just completed phase one of an attempted Coup and managed to almost Impeach a sitting President who defeated her. All of this changed the focus from her criminality to that of Trump using her power and the Media. If everything against her is not dropped immediately, she will see the Trump family going to Prison for her misdeeds….we are lost, we are deplorable and will not get a second chance..a type of slavery in 20 years is our punishment.

  2. If Horowitz and Huber had really been on the job, there would have been plenty of people hauled before Federal Grand Juries in Salt Lake City and Washington D.C., and all sorts of plea bargains and indictments by now. Maybe now that Mueller has finally finished his inquisition, there will be something coming from these two men, but I’m not counting on it anymore.

  3. I don’t recall reading or hearing about a single thing Huber has done since being appointed, nothing. Only the left have people willing to rock the boat even when it’s illegal.
    Seems like we have only one person up there that’s looking out for us, just he and he alone and he’s limited to eight years.


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